Druid Surrender (A Druid Quest Novel Book 1)

Free Druid Surrender (A Druid Quest Novel Book 1) by Stacey Brutger

Book: Druid Surrender (A Druid Quest Novel Book 1) by Stacey Brutger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Brutger
him I mean. Neither of you will have to put forth much effort to convince others of your interest in each other. I know we’re not typical society. Although he can be too clever for his own good at times, he is a good man. He sees the truth of people and that puts others off. He deserves better than Angelica. A woman like her won’t make him happy.”
    Brighid winced at being caught panting after him like a hussy. To make matters worse, Wyatt seemed to be just as interested in her, not giving fig about her gifts. She didn’t know how to react to that novelty or the way her body was beginning to awaken at his nearness, and she ruthlessly cut off that line of thought “So that’s why you wanted me to stay, why you suggested this scheme.”
    Lydia shrugged, and the stubbornness Brighid found so infuriating in Wyatt was mirrored in her eyes. “He would have found a way to get you to stay either way. Let him protect you.”
    Brighid suspected Lydia had never spoken truer words. “And who would protect him?”
    Lydia gave her a peculiar look. “You, of course. He might be a capable man, but he’s not invincible. He feels things too deeply. You can save him from himself.”
    Lydia’s protectiveness toward her brother was sweet. If only she knew just how unsuitable Brighid actually was for someone like him. “You have no idea what my life is like. I can’t make him happy. You would be better off choosing someone more appropriate.”
    “You don’t see it yet, but you’re his perfect match in every way. No one stands up to my brother. No one but you.” Lydia twisted the knob, but glanced at her over her shoulder. “Don’t break his heart. He deserves to be happy.”
    Brighid remained quiet, stunned silent at Lydia’s departing words.
    She wouldn’t break his heart, but feared he might very well break hers when he realized that she had been telling the truth about herself.
    Brighid shooed away her muddled thoughts, slowly becoming aware of her surroundings. Though years outdated, the simplicity of the room didn’t lessen its beauty. It was also a stark reminder of the differences in their stations. The bright green and blue decor soothed her frayed nerves. The natural grain of the wood gleamed with polish, the smell of beeswax and honey relaxing in other circumstances.
    Avoiding the bed that dominated the room, Brighid went to the window and pushed aside the curtains to check the security. Easy lock. No bars. She peered outside, keeping to the side lest someone spy her. Her room overlooked a garden so huge it must need to be groomed by a veritable army to keep from becoming overgrown.
    No easy way in or out unless she could scale down the wall. Where was a trellise when you needed one? Her plans to investigate on her own and protect Wyatt went up in smoke. She’d have to wait for darkness, when everyone fell asleep, before she could search the house for the real reason why someone might be after Wyatt.
    A sharp, persistent knock startled Brighid out of her plotting. Panic skittered up her spine at the possibility of being trapped in a small room with nowhere to run. Her powers seared up the lines on her feet before she remembered that she was safe. She hated the relief that swamped her. The heat that signaled the rise of her magic fizzled out, her gifts settled back under her skin with a small hum, as if not quite convinced there was no danger. “Enter.”
    A buttoned up, tight-laced maid of indeterminate age barged through the door, her arms laden with a gown and whatnot, her lips pursed in disapproval as she scanned Brighid from head to foot.
    “I am to assist you,” she barked. The distaste on the maid’s face made it clear she thought Brighid beneath her.
    She was not a lady’s maid, and Brighid knew exactly who’d sent her.
    No doubt sent to sabotage her evening with Wyatt in order to monopolize him for herself.
    Brighid snorted but covered it with a cough when the maid glowered. “Thank you

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