The Taste of Magic

Free The Taste of Magic by Gina Rosavin

Book: The Taste of Magic by Gina Rosavin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Rosavin
Damn those interfering fools. He didn't have the patience to train new staff, not now. He needed to get rid of Joshua and Sophie once and for all.
    Recalling what he planned for Sophie calmed all the other racing thoughts. Wouldn't it be just the perfect way to make sure he wouldn't have to deal with their repeated attempts to destroy him?
    Besides, he liked Joshua. The boy had the tenacity of a wolf, an admirable trait. And Sophie, well, the thought was too delightful to pass up. With planning, he could bring both of them to his side. Neither would be surprised easily. Though they had certainly managed to surprise him the other night. He had seen to the little slip-up in security immediately. Now he needed two more servants at the castle. The breach was unacceptable and would never happen again. He cursed the hunters. They had cost him too many good servants.
    For all his impetuousness and noble intents, Joshua would make a delightful vampire. Perhaps his long-held fascination for vampire powers and immortality was a weakness, one Adrian could exploit. He would do well to seek the best opportunities for conversion and be ready for just such an instance.
    What truly intrigued Adrian, was the small bit of information Joshua had provided. There was definitely more there. Machiavelli was shrewd, but he was also flamboyant. Adrian had to learn what his former protégé was up to. Buying businesses wasn't necessarily cause for alarm, but somehow Adrian knew Machiavelli planned something big. He would need to be ready.
    He picked up the phone and punched in some numbers. "I need you. Now."
    Within moments, the door opened and Dimitri stepped into the office. "What can I do for you today?"
    Adrian picked up a file and motioned to a chair. When the enchanter was seated, he opened the folder. "I need you to do some checking for me. An old…acquaintance has been making some interesting business deals, and I'd like to find out exactly what he's up to."
    Dimitri took the folder and perused the handful of papers inside. He lifted his surprised gaze. "Niccolo Machiavelli?"
    Adrian nodded. "He's up to something, I'm sure of it. But I won't be able to tell what until I know exactly what dealings he's had recently."
    "Do you think he's a threat to du Lac Enterprises?"
    "Possibly. He's holding a grudge, and I wouldn't be surprised if he were looking for revenge."
    "I'll get right to it."
    "Before you go, there's something else I need to discuss with you." Dimitri's brow furrowed. Adrian smiled in reassurance. "I wanted to ask you about Kat."
    He cocked his head to one side, as if he didn't understand. "Katerina? Is there some problem?"
    "No, no problems. I'm sure you know I've been seeing her socially."
    Dimitri nodded, but his gaze remained wary. "Yes, Olga told me. Is there anything wrong? Has she…"
    Adrian shook his head. "No, everything has been delightful. Your daughter is very beautiful, and intelligent. Brave, too. I might be able to persuade her to join the company."
    Dimitri swallowed. "In what way, sir?"
    "As many as possible." Adrian leaned forward and folded his hands together on the desk. "Your daughter will be very powerful."
    "Yes, it's been foretold. Her powers are greater than any in our families."
    Adrian nodded. He knew precisely how powerful Kat would be. He wanted her magic. "Yes, I am aware. I would like to arrange her training. Her powers need to be freed for that to begin."
    "Adrian, I don't know if now is the right time. Olga is not strong enough…"
    "I will see to her training. But I want you to help me convince your daughter."
    "But my wife…"
    Adrian held up his hand. He would deal with the older witch himself. Dimitri was needed in other ways. He imagined Kat's reaction when all was revealed. She would not be pleased, but he was sure by then, she would be so deeply in love with him, she would remain at his side.

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