His Distraction (Assured Distraction Book 2)

Free His Distraction (Assured Distraction Book 2) by Thia Finn

Book: His Distraction (Assured Distraction Book 2) by Thia Finn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thia Finn
live upstairs.” The band met up at the bar where Hayden was performing to support him while they were still in town. Ryan downed a lot of beer and tequila shots during the evening intending to drink Krissy off his mind.
    “I don’t wanna go home without my Kitten.” Ryan’s drunken whining had caused everyone to tire of him quickly. He spent the day getting ready to leave but the longer he went through the preparations, the more upset he became. By the time he reached Red 7, he was ready to drown with the worm at the bottom of the bottle.
    Gunner grabbed him around the waist and hauled him to the side of the truck. “Shut the fuck up, Ryan. We’ve already heard this for three damn hours. Your little Kitty doesn’t want to play anymore. Stop being a pussy now and take it like a man.”
    Peri slapped Gunner’s arm. “Quit being mean to him. He’s heartbroken.”
    “Oh shit, Gunner, we don’t know what to do with a broken heart, do we? That is exactly why we say ‘fuck it and chuck it.’ None of this kind of’ shit to deal with.” Carter started laughing.
    “That’s so crude, Carter.” Peri glared at him.
    “It may be crude, but it’s the truth. All you women ever want is some kind of ball-busting relationship. Me and Gunner say, ‘hit it and quit it’, ‘pump and dump’, ‘one and done’…”
    “That’s enough,” KeeMac stepped in. “He can’t even understand what y’all are saying, and these girls don’t think your words of wisdom are all that wise, so shut the fuck up.”
    “All I’m saying is if y’all wouldn’t find yourselves tied down, you would never run into shit like this.” Carter was getting on Peri’s last nerve.
    “You want me to ride home with you to help out, Hayden?” Peri volunteered.
    “No, I got this. He’ll be fine. I’ll make sure he doesn’t choke or anything.” The image he conjured up for the rest of them wasn’t pretty. Hayden got behind the wheel, ready to drive away and realized being eighteen had its advantages since he wasn’t drinking with them tonight.
    Dragging Ryan inside the apartment woke him up, and he started crying like a baby over Krissy but by the time Hayden dumped him into the middle of his bed and pulled off his boots, he was snoring. Hayden’s last thought was to roll him on his side in case he threw up.
    “Dude, I’ll check on you in a little while. Please don’t throw up in this bed because I intend to sleep in it while you’re gone, and vomit pillows don’t sing ‘Home Sweet Home.’” He offered up a silent prayer that Ryan didn’t get sick since he would not be able to clean Ryan up without throwing up himself.

    The sun hit him in the face, and Ryan looked around the room trying to recall how he’d gotten to his bed. The nightmare from last night slowly crawled to the forefront of his brain about the same time as the pain. He hated being hungover but to be hungover, pissed, and heartbroken all at the same time was too much. He needed to talk to Krissy and wondered if his phone made the trip home with him. Unable to locate it, he ventured into the living room wondering who or what he would find there. He was greeted by the wonderful aroma of coffee when he opened his door.
    “Well, you did survive. We all had our doubts last night.” Gunner was sitting at the bar talking to Hayden, who was cooking bacon.
    “I figured you could use something greasy to cure the hangover.” Hayden smiled, remembering how gone Ryan had been last night. “I have some pain meds, too.” He handed a cup of coffee and an ibuprofen bottle to Ryan, followed by a plate of bacon and some toast.
    “Thanks, man.” After swallowing the medicine and a big gulp of hot coffee, he looked around the apartment. “I guess I didn’t dream all of that last night since Krissy wasn’t in my bed this morning.”
    “Nope, the bitch is gone,” Gunner answered.
    “Don’t call her that. She’s my girlfriend.”
    “No, dude, she’s not. In

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