Secretly More

Free Secretly More by Lux Zakari

Book: Secretly More by Lux Zakari Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lux Zakari
Tags: Romance
wanted her to want him under pretenses, and that’s exactly what this was. His mind throbbed, commanding him to let her go, but his body had a different agenda as he backed Kimber toward the bed. They both tumbled on the mattress, which squeaked in protest, and she entwined her legs around his waist, pulling him tight against her, her dress bunching around her upper thighs. The only thing separating him from entering her was their clothes, and that problem could be resolved easily enough.
    “Oh fuck.” The words left him in a breathy rush before he could stop them, and his spine stiffened as he remembered he spoke aloud, giving himself away, but Kimber still didn’t seem to know it was him. Why would she? She didn’t know him like this. The reminder made him bold as he pressed his cock against the crotch of her panties, thrilling to how she broke their kiss to release a gasp. He vowed to do more than make her breath catch. That is, if he wanted to go through with what was in danger of happening.
    He rocked against her, wanting to make her scream as he stroked his way up the outside of her thighs, the dress riding higher and puddling just under her belly button and revealing lacy, black boy-cut panties. The sight was one straight from his wet dreams. His control rapidly deteriorated, and his desires overruled his ethics as she reached beneath herself to untie the back of her dress, making it possible to slip it off her body with ease. He sat back for a moment, staring at her. Her blonde hair was a bird’s nest, her lips were puffy and pouting from kissing, and the black blindfold remained in place. Her bra matched her panties, and she looked so damn appetizing, he had no idea how he could just walk away now.
    “What’s wrong?” she asked, suddenly sounding shy.
    He cleared his throat. “Nothing.” He forced his voice to a husky, indistinguishable growl. “You’re perfect.”
    Jay caressed her everywhere, taking the time to study her by the light of the one red bulb and enjoying the needy twitches of her body. He wanted to memorize her. A sprinkle of freckles of her chest reminded him of the Andromeda constellation. There was a small mole on her ribcage that he’d never noticed before. She had two white scars on her left knee, likely leftover from childhood. His breath came faster at the thought of everything else about her he had left to discover.
    He unclipped her bra and peeled the fabric from her skin, and his mind clouded, seeing her small, bare breasts topped with light areolae for the first time. Unable to help himself, he lowered his head, capturing a hardened peak in his mouth, and she groaned, arching her back upward, pressing herself against him. His brain refused to comprehend what was transpiring. He turned his attention to Kimber’s other nipple, fueled by her responses and acting on instinct and want. Logic and morality had never been so foreign to him.
    As he savored and kissed his way to her belly button, he tried to rationalize what he was about to do next. Kimber was going to go ahead with this anyway, right? Wouldn’t it be better if it were him than some other guy who could be crawling with diseases and might treat her as if she were disposable? He couldn’t let that happen to her, especially after all that shit she went through with Dane. She deserved to be with someone who respected her, who cared if she got off, who understood that this wasn’t just a game.
    This line of thinking brought him to the waistband of her panties, and he glanced up at her, seeking signs of hesitance but saw none. She’d tilted her head back and was chewing her bottom lip as she teased her nipples with her fingers, her hips twitching slightly in anticipation. There really was no going back now.
    He took a deep breath for courage, peeled aside the crotch of her panties and flicked her swollen clit with his tongue. Her whole body jerked at the sudden contact and a choked oh left her mouth. The reaction urged him

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