Evince Me
snapped open staring up at the
ceiling as he let out a huge sigh. "I'm sorry for all I've put you
through." His head turned slightly so that he could look at me. I
managed a small smile to let him know I wasn't angry at him.
    As we sat there in a comfortable silence I
thought of something that I've been meaning to ask Marco as soon as
he woke up. "Wh-why didn't you fight back?" My voice quivered, not
that I wanted him to fight and injure Tristan or my brothers, but I
needed to know why.
    "I was ready to deal with my punishment for the
things I've done..." Marco let out another huge breath, "Ready to
accept my fate and maybe I could be with your sister again." He
admitted sadly a single tear trailing out the corner of his eye.
His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he tried to fight back his
    "She came to me..." Marco's voice broke off,
getting choked up as he shook his head in disbelief. "My Mia, she
came to me and told me I needed to hold on. To live my life and be
the best Alpha I can possibly be...for her...in her honor." A look
of newfound determination overcoming his sad expression as Marco
wiped away the tears that escaped.
    I could only sit there in silence and listen to
the things he was saying, nodding my head here and there to let him
know I was still paying attention. "What's become of my pack...of
my...Mother?" Marco asked hesitantly, his eyes burning deep into
the side of my face.
    Oh god, do I have the strength to tell him the
truth? I wrung my hands together as they began shaking nervously. I
wanted to get up and run straight out of the room, back to the
safety of Tristan's arms. "Tell me..." Marco begged, reaching over
to grab one of my hands in his.
    Knowing he deserved to hear the truth from me, I
cleared my throat. "All those who decided to fight were ultimately
killed. Once we assured Julio of your safety, he called the others
off." I told him as my eyes darted anywhere and everywhere.
    Thinking of my sister and the unjust fate she
faced, I somehow got a surge of power. Maria wasn't a good person
at all and she deserved everything she got. "As for your Mother..."
I allowed my hazel eyes to meet Marco's chocolate brown ones. He
held his breath, waiting for me to break the news to him. "She
tried to run, when I confronted her she attacked. I had no other
choice, but to defend myself...to kill her."
    Marco stood quiet for what seemed like an
eternity. He still held onto my hand, which I took as a good sign,
right? I mean if he was going flip out, wouldn't he have done so by
now? Not unless it was taking a long time for the information to
process, did he have a brain injury?
    "I loved my Mother, but I loved my mate...your
sister Mia...so much more. My mother was without a doubt the
evilest most vile woman I've ever come across." Marco admitted, I
thought I saw a look of anger and then relief pass by his eyes,
before he stared at me blankly again. "I was a coward to not stand
up to my Mother and I can only thank you for serving her with the
proper revenge my innocent mate deserved."
    It was as if I got sucked into the twilight
zone. I was sitting there staring at Marco with unsure eyes. Who is
this Marco and what happened to the old one? Can you honestly tell
me one visit from my dead sister caused him to become a changed
man? Was he that terrified of Maria, that he couldn't even stand up
to her or did he know deep down inside what she was capable of?
    Shakily I nodded my head as a form
of 'I killed your Mother, don't worry
about it...there's no need to thank me.' type of way.
Standing up from my seat, I was getting ready to leave the room.
Seems like all has been said and done and there really wasn't a
reason for me to be here anymore.
    "I'm really glad you're ok, I'll call Julio to
come in. If you don't mind I'm exhausted so I'm going to head back
to bed." I smiled, patting him one last time on the arm I began
backing away from the bed. My body wanted

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