unPHILtered: The Way I See It

Free unPHILtered: The Way I See It by Phil Robertson

Book: unPHILtered: The Way I See It by Phil Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phil Robertson
collapses. Don’t think it can happen? Look at the Roman Empire.The Romans were the greatest military force in the history of the world. They conquered lands from England to Africa and from Syria to Spain during the first and second centuries. But then Rome rotted from within because of sin, political strife, disease, greed, and corruption. The Romans toppled themselves, and now Rome is only shoving out pizzas.
    I truly believe that America will become ruins if it doesn’t change. We have met the enemy and it’s us. Where there is no Jesus, you end up in a society where everything is political. That’s why there’s so much political correctness in our country today. Our politicians and electorate think all of our problems can be fixed with politics. But politics isn’t the answer; Jesus, repentance, and the elimination of sins are the only answers. Sadly, arrogance, corruption, greed, depravity, and degradation are now the centerpieces of the American dream. America is reeling, teetering, rotting, and struggling within herself. She, America, is fighting for her existence. She is in the beginning of her collapse under the weight of her sin. All of the great republics before us succumbed to the same forces of evil she is now experiencing. Looking at America is like watching a rotting carcass: it smells, and the vultures will gather around her until she finally disappears.
    Now, I’m only an average-intelligence man, and I’m sure the intellectuals and academics are going to disagree with me, but I’m of the belief that two principles are the driving forcesbehind most of the political structures on earth, especially the current one in the United States. The government puts forth these two principles, marries them, and then believes they can fix anything. It basically comes down to this: give us money and intellect , and we can accomplish anything. That’s pretty much the standard modus operandi of America. The U.S. government tells us they have the best people, the gurus with all of the brains. They tell us to listen to them because they know what’s best for the populace. What do they keep saying? “Trust us! Trust our intellect.” Well, if that in fact is true and all they need is intellect and money, then how in the world are we $17 trillion in the hole and counting? You don’t get that far in the hole by being smart. Find out what the term balanced budget means, Jack!
    Politicians who claim we can spend our way out of debt are at fault. They are sickened fools. What’s the difference between intellect and wisdom? Intellect leads to the slaughter of human beings while they are in their mothers’ wombs. Intellect, as it turns out, has plunged America into $17 trillion worth of debt. Wisdom causes one to fear God! Whoa, even a man of average intelligence can be wise.
    Why does Congress continue to raise taxes? I thought their premise was that if politicians were smart enough and threw enough money at something, they could solve anything. But they haven’t fixed much of anything lately, and they keep dipping into our pockets for more money. Our government officialsalways say the same thing: give us more money and we can fix it. Our government believes it can fix every one of our enemies worldwide by giving them more humanitarian aid. The U.S. believes it can buy its friends through nation building, foreign intervention, and preemptive war. Well, how has it worked out in Afghanistan and Iraq? We have rapidly growing domestic entitlement programs that aren’t sustainable and rarely accomplish their stated goals. Politicians believe they can fix our educational system with more funding. Yet, according to recent worldwide testing results, American high school students rank behind students from countries like Slovakia, Portugal, Vietnam, and Russia in math. Our students rank near the bottom in science, too. Are you kidding me? It’s embarrassing. These statistics fly in the face of what the politicians are telling

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