Wedding on the Baby Ward / Special Care Baby Miracle

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Book: Wedding on the Baby Ward / Special Care Baby Miracle by Lucy Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Clark
Tags: Medical
reason behind that was Sheena. She was one of their own, a staff member, a colleague, a friend—and even, as Janessa had declared, a sister.
    Upon entering Sheena’s room, Miles was once more able to witness the bond between the two women. Janessa crossed instantly to Sheena’s side and put her coffee cup down on the bedside table before immediately embracing the bed-ridden woman, handing her a tissue at the same time.
    ‘What’s wrong?’ Janessa asked in a soft, caring tone.
    ‘Nothing,’ Sheena blubbered. ‘Everything. Oh, I don’t know any more,’ she wailed. Miles came and stood on the other side of the bed, watching, deciding it was best to step back and let Janessa handle this, given that she certainly knew Sheena a lot better than he did.
    As Sheena continued to cry, apparently for no reason whatsoever, Janessa held her and stroked her hair, murmuring soothing noises until the tears began to stop. Miles couldn’t help but notice that Janessa was very maternal, as well as so caring and patient. He wondered if she planned to have any children of her own in the future. Her dossier had stated that she wasn’t married and, again, he was curious as to why not. She was only thirty-six years old, although she looked years younger, she was intelligent, funny and so incredibly beautiful. So why wasn’t she already spoken for?
    ‘There, now. Feel better?’ she asked Sheena.
    ‘No? Yes?’ Sheena smiled through the final tears that Janessa was wiping away. ‘I still don’t know.’
    ‘Pregnancy blues,’ Janessa remarked, brushing hair from Sheena’s eyes. ‘That’s all it was.’
    ‘I was lying here and I started thinking about everything, about things that could go wrong, about the surgeries, about how on earth I was going to cope …’
    ‘Doubts and concerns are very natural,’ Miles said, and Sheena quickly turned her head, surprised to find him there.
    ‘Miles? I didn’t see you come in.’
    ‘He came with me,’ Janessa said.
    ‘With you?’ Sheena wiggled up the bed and stared at them both.
with me
with me, it’s just that Miles woke me up and then needed tea and then after the phone call, he made me coffee and as we were both awake we, uh … came together. Not
together but …’ Janessa fumbled over her words and started to blush as she realised the more she explained, the more incriminating it sounded.
    ‘I’m staying in the residential wing, next door to Janessa,’ Miles interjected, his tone smooth and commanding. ‘I’m still jet-lagged and was receiving phone calls from overseas. My phone woke Janessa. It’s all very simple and quite innocent.’
    ‘Exactly,’ Janessa said, not wanting to talk about it further, given that Sheena had a knack of seeing straight through her emotions. ‘Now … back to you. Do you want to talk about some of these concerns?’
    ‘They’re the same ones I’ve had all along.’
    ‘Well, now that Miles is here, perhaps if we go through them again, he’ll be able to give more information.’
    ‘Good idea.’ Miles came back round the bed to the same side as Janessa, pulling out a chair for her before getting one for himself. Settling down, he finished his coffee and looked expectantly at Sheena. ‘I’m here to help.’
    ‘Uh … OK. Let me see … where to begin.’
    Janessa could see Sheena was trying to get her mind in gear. ‘Let’s start at the beginning. With the birth. From what Riley—Sheena’s obstetrician,’ Janessa added in case Miles hadn’t met Riley yet, ‘has said, there’s no question of a natural birth and that is why the C-section has been booked for two weeks’ time.’
    ‘That’s right.’ Miles nodded. ‘With the growth hormones we’re administering to the twins each day, this should help their bodies to develop a little faster than usual. There’s a chance, as they’re sharing the same placenta, that one is being more nourished than the other. However, after taking a good look at the data

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