Beneath the Boss: Omnibus (The Complete Collection)
the same as always. Which meant she was overworked, a little frazzled, and sometimes mad enough at him to spit fire. But he always made it up to her in the most creative of ways.
    She’d loved him before, but now, she was a complete goner. Every moment spent with Leighton, good and bad, only revealed more of the man, made him a real, and made him a part of her, so much so that she didn’t even try to fight it. She just accepted it and hoped. For what she wasn’t quite sure. He’d never discussed what feelings, if any, he had for her, and she didn’t press. She knew there was no happily ever after in their future, yet she couldn’t deny she wanted more. But, pride be damned, she’d take whatever Leighton offered, for as long as he offered it, and she refused to feel guilty about it.
    She pulled back from his embrace. “Good night, Mr. Means,” she said with a smile and turned and left his office.
    She was headed directly to her car, but remembered a file she’d left on her desk, so she doubled back to her office and checked her watch when she heard the phone ringing.
    Curious, she answered, “This is Layla.”
    “Oh, hello, Ms. Grayson, I thought I’d get your voice mail,” Anson Smythe said.
    “Hello, Anson. I’m afraid you’ll have to settle for the real me. What can I do for you?”
    She remembered his offer, even thought about it occasionally, but she’d been so enraptured in Leighton, she hadn’t followed up.
    “You recall our previous conversation don’t you, dear?”
    “Well, unfortunately, circumstances have changed, and I won’t be able to hire you to manage the fund.”
    Layla has suspected as much, but something felt off about this conversation, so she was compelled to dig.
    “Um...I’m sorry to hear that, but may I ask what’s changed?”
    “I really should have done this sooner, but I’ve been dragging my feet. Circumstances changed. That’s all. You know how this business is.”
    She was on high alert now but sensed that Anson wouldn’t be more forthcoming.
    “I do. It’s unfortunate that things didn’t work out, but perhaps we’ll have a chance to work together in the future.”
    “Yes, maybe, dear. Have a nice evening.”
    “You, too, Anson. Good-bye.”
    She hung up the phone and stood by her desk, confused. Something was seriously off but she couldn’t put her finger on what. She headed down to her car, still puzzling over the phone call, and it stayed at the front of her mind during the drive home. It was just so strange. Maybe she’d ask Leighton—
    A chill settled over her, turning her bones to ice. It couldn’t be. He’d made a promise, and Leighton never went back on his word. But still...
    She argued with herself through her shower, as she brushed her teeth, and as she lay in bed.
    Screw it .
    She knew she wouldn’t get any rest unless she talked to Leighton, so she threw on a pair of thin cotton pants and jacket and headed back to the office.
    L eighton perked up when he heard someone entering his outer office. The area was access-restricted in the evening, so he knew it would be her. She’d changed her mind and decided to stay the night, an indication, small though it was, that she enjoyed him as much as he enjoyed her. He stood and walked across the office, anxious to feel her in his arms, but pulled up short when he say her face. She seemed pensive, tentative.
    “Layla, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
    He went over to her and put his hands on her shoulders.
    “I’m fine, it’s just that I got a strange call tonight.”
    “From who?”
    “Anson Smythe.”
    Uneasiness filled him.
    “What about?” he asked, though he knew.
    “He called to rescind the job offer.”
    “I can’t say I’m sorry.”
    “I didn’t expect you would.” She looked up at him, her expression serious. “Leighton, I’m going to ask you something. I’ll believe whatever you say, no questions asked, but please tell me the truth.”

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