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Book: Wildfire by Lynn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn James
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
wasn’t out in the freezing temperature. She also admitted to herself that it wasn’t the only reason she wanted Devon with her in the cabin. Jesus.
    Elaine was quiet as she led Devon up the hill.
    Devon never had any trouble keeping up. She took the rocks and fallen trees with ease and was careful not to step on any plants.
    They followed the deer trail almost to the access road and then broke off to finish the hike to the cabin. Elaine showed Devon in and busied herself lighting a fire in the fireplace.
    “I’ll be right back. I need to go start the generator and get some more wood.”
    “Is there anything I can do to help?”
    Elaine smiled. “No, I’ll just be a minute. Make yourself comfortable. Feel free to use the shower—all the facilities. I know you’ve probably missed them.”
    “Oh, a shower would be great. Thanks.” Devon picked up her pack and promptly disappeared into the bathroom with an eager grin.
    They had made it back just as the clouds began moving in and the temperature plummeted. She carried in a full armload of wood, then busied herself with oil lamps and the beginning preparations of chili. The light frost on the windows obscured her view of the valley and once again she was thankful they had made it back when they had. She ignored the sounds from the shower, but try as she might she couldn’t help but imagine Devon, the way she’d looked skinny-dipping, now only few feet away, on the other side of a door…
    It was going to be a long night.

    The water on her skin felt good and it was the first time Devon had truly felt warm since arriving in the Cascades. Her solar shower usually did an adequate job, but having a genuine hot shower was blissful. She finally felt clean.
    It was nice to stand in a warm body and slather lotion over her dry skin. The cabin had been heating up nicely when she entered the bathroom so she had chosen a pair of loose fitting boxer shorts and a T-shirt to sleep in. The thought of wearing clothes to bed wasn’t appealing, but the luxuries that the small cabin afforded were worth it.
    She finally emerged from the bathroom with brush in hand. She was still brushing her hair out when her stomach grumbled. The smell of food filling the room made her realize for the first time that she hadn’t eaten anything except a breakfast bar at mid-morning.
    Elaine looked up just as Devon emerged from the bathroom and her breath caught. How on earth was she supposed to get through dinner much less the night with Devon dressed like that? The shirt was old and worn and molded perfectly to Devon’s firm breasts. And those legs! Jesus, they had haunted Elaine’s dreams. She had so many visions of them wrapped around her body and now they would be within just a few feet of her. She was torn between wanting to beg Devon to put on more clothes and wanting to rip off what little she was wearing.
    She finally found her voice. “I didn’t know if you like chili, if you do, dinner is ready. If not, I’d be happy to make you something else.”
    Devon smiled. “Chili sounds great, much more appetizing than my typical dinners when I’m working. I don’t know how they have the audacity to call those freeze dried meals food .  Thank you for saving me from another one of those.”
    Elaine finally tore her gaze away. “It’s no problem. What can I get you to drink?”
    “Whatever you’re having will be fine?”
    Devon grinned. “That sounds great.”
    Devon filled the two bowls that Elaine had set out with steaming chili while Elaine grabbed spoons, napkins and two beers from the refrigerator and brought them to the table. Devon blew on a spoonful making sure it wouldn’t burn her mouth. For chili that had been quickly thrown together it was good, with a nice spicy kick that Devon enjoyed.
    “This is really good, Captain.”
    Elaine’s eyes reflected her appreciation of the compliment. “I’m glad you like it.” She couldn’t even begin to understand why the word

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