Pippa's Rescue

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Book: Pippa's Rescue by JJ Keller Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Keller
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, spicy, Valkyrie, Valhalla
and a shirt which had been carefully folded on top, and laid the mobile on the wood surface while continuing to talk into the phone. “The new guy, the one Doc’s interviewing?”
    From Basil’s distance, Mattie’s voice held undistinguishable angst or excitement rippling with each word she spoke. Something was up. He threw off the covers.
    Pippa slipped into her pants and top and his erection throbbed with disappointment. Within seconds she held the phone to her ear. “I’ll be right there.”
    Her fingers ran over the face of the cell, then she shoved it into her back pocket.
    “What’s wrong?” Basil dragged on the jeans from last night and fastened them. For a moment he wished he’d brought his shoes and a shirt. Now he’d have to go back into David’s room and possibly see Skogul, the interloper from hell.
    “Something happened to the new horse, Titan. Unbelievable.” She scraped her midnight hair into a knot and folded it over to secure it with lose strands. “I need to go.”
    “Sure, no worries. I’ll get dressed and join you.”
    She zipped out the door without a response. What had happened? From the sounds of chatter and the faint whistles coming from outside, something had more than Mattie riled.
    Basil sighed in relief when he didn’t see the loose Amazon cannon in his temporary bedroom. He sat on the edge of the perfectly made bed. Rifling through his bag, he pulled out socks. Tugging on the fresh pair, he shoved his feet into the boots. A used T-shirt lay crumpled on the floor at the foot of the bed, so he gave it a whiff, swiped deodorant under his pits, and slipped the jersey on as he walked out the door.
    A small crowd had gathered around stable one. The roar of a massive motor caught his attention. He shielded his eyes against the morning sun. The Kingdom Animal Services SUV marked the vet’s presence. Pippa would be in tears if one of her precious horses had gotten injured.
    Oddly the first thing he smelled when he entered the stables wasn’t horse dung. The place was ripe with joy. Sweet elation resembled a mix of hay and oats and excitement. Goodwill poured from the bystanders surrounding the almost-white horse standing in the center of the barn. Pippa’s gentle hands rubbed the sides of the beast’s neck. He blew frequent breaths, more than likely nervous of the crowd gathered around him. Titan was alive. Basil sent a small prayer of thanks.
    He broke through the crowd. Situated on the rail between stalls was Skogul, looking a bit put out and, if he guessed correctly a touch of fear shone in her eyes. She met his glance and nodded in acknowledgment. No sarcastic words, no giggles of enjoyment. Something was fucked up. He moved his gaze to Pippa. Her grin spanned her beautiful face.
    “What’s going on?” Basil nodded to the horse.
    “Oh, Basil, he’s been healed. Look.” She pointed to the missing gash on his hindquarters. “All of his wounds have mended.”
    “How is that possible?” Basil asked. Murmurs of agreement came from behind him.
    “That isn’t possible,” Doc said as he came around to the side of the horse.
    Basil hadn’t seen him since the horse healer had drugged him. He’d have a word with the quack when he got him alone.
    “Excuse me,” a deep male voice said.
    Basil moved to the side, until he heard a sharp inhale from Skogul. He glanced at her. She stared at the man with a baritone voice, whose sole attention was focused on the horse. “I’m sorry, let me move. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Basil Vanguard.”
    “Aidan Hall. Nice to meet you.” Aidan shook Basil’s extended hand.
    Aidan stood aside and waited for Pippa to walk away from the horse. Titan shifted to the side, closer to his stall. Pippa’s hand went to Titan and stroked his nose, whispering soothing words. A couple of snorts and the horse calmed. The vet bent to evaluate the recently injured and miraculously healed stallion’s hide. Basil kept his glance on Skogul. She smiled,

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