Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

Free Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) by Meghan Quinn

Book: Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) by Meghan Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meghan Quinn
not going to quit with that are you?”
                  “Nope, I love it. Skype date tonight?”
                  Jane groaned in the phone. “Yes, but this time I want you to show me you locked the door because Marc walking in last time made me just about die. I’m already shy as it is, I don’t need an audience.”
                  “You have my word on it and you know I didn’t mean for that to happen. There is no way I want that horn dog Marc to see my girl naked.”
                  “I know, alright see you tonight. Love you, handsome.”
                  “I love you, sweet thing.”
                  Lucy got home and decided to take a bath. The last couple of days had been rough. She could not believe the way Molly treated her in the dressing room the other day, it still was bothering her. Lucy knew Molly was going through a rough time, Jane talked about Molly’s troubles on occasion but Lucy didn’t believe that Molly should be treated differently. It had almost been two years since Luke’s death; Molly should not get a pass any more on life. Lucy felt Molly needed to deal with her problems instead of running away from them as well as stop treating people like crap.              
                  Lucy hated the way Molly treated Austin. The only reason Molly was an absolute bitch to Lucy in the dressing room was because Molly felt threatened. For some odd reason Molly didn’t want anyone knowing about her and Austin which didn’t make much sense to Lucy. Who would want to keep being in a relationship with Austin a secret? Lucy would shout it to the world that she was in a relationship with such a man…if she ever had the opportunity.
                  Lucy grabbed a bottle of wine, turned on some soothing music and slipped into her bath tub. She needed to wash the day away and unwind. She had been so tense lately with her new job and dealing with Austin.
    Now that they were near each other again it was hard to keep her feelings in check. She knew Austin would n ever feel the same way she felt about him, she knew that. He always looked at her as a sister type figure and nothing more. He occasionally joked around about her being attractive and occasionally flirted but Lucy knew it was nothing serious. She knew Austin was just doing it to be nice. He fell for girls like Molly, not her.
                  Lucy was emptying the rest of her bottle and feeling pretty good when her phone rang. Austin was calling. What did he want? He probably wanted to talk about how hot Molly was or how perfectly perfect and round Molly’s boobs were. Gag.
                  “Hellloooooo.” Lucy said drawing out the word.
                  “Hey Luce, what’s going on girl?” Austin said in a questioning tone.
                  “Oh you know just lying in my tub, completely naked and drunk. What are you up to?”
                  “Naked huh? That sounds pretty nice.”
                  “You actually wouldn’t know Austin.” Lucy said snidely.
                  “Hey, Lucy what’s wrong. Is something bothering you?” Austin sounded concerned.
                  Thanks to the wine Lucy was feeling pretty feisty so she decided to not hold anything back.
                  “I hear you made quite the ruckus the other night with that hooker of a girlfriend you have.”
                  Austin was silent for a second. Lucy was about to hang up when Austin said, “You know Lucy, you don’t have to be rude. Molly is going through a rough time.”
                  That was it Lucy could not take it anymore. She was sick of everyone defending Molly for what happened two years ago.

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