The Case of the Missing Cats

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Book: The Case of the Missing Cats by Gareth P. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gareth P. Jones
Tomorrow’s Saturday.’
    â€˜OK, then. Come to the office at that time when both hands are pointing up.’
    â€˜Twelve o’clock?’
    â€˜That’s the one. And bring something warm to wear and binoculars if you have them.’
    â€˜OK. I’ll borrow my dad’s.’
    Dirk jumped to Holly’s roof. A voice on the radio said, ‘ . . . We’re talking about the ongoing mystery of the missing cats. Where do you think they have gone?’
    â€˜Is that your window below us?’ Dirk asked.
    â€˜Yes,’ replied Holly.
    â€˜Hang on,’ he said, flapping his wings, lifting them both off the roof and lowering them down level withHolly’s open window. Dirk backed up a little and Holly climbed into the room.
    â€˜See you tomorrow,’ she said. ‘Remember to feed Willow. Her food is in the bottom desk drawer.’
    â€˜Like I have any choice,’ said Dirk and he flew back to the safety of the roof.
    The DJ was saying, ‘One man with a theory is behavioural animal psychologist Dr Gustav Gunter. And Dr Gunter joins us now.’
    â€˜Hello, Peter,’ said a second voice. ’As you know I have dedicated my life to ze scientific study of ze feline form and have known for many years ze truth zat cats are in fact alien beings from outer space sent to spy on us. Zey are simply going home now.’
    â€˜Fascinating. Spy on us for what reason, Dr Gunter?’
    â€˜I do not know. Zey may have been sent by a giant master cat planning on attacking earth. However, zis is mere speculation. We cannot be sure as to their motives.’
    â€˜Right, a giant master cat, eh? I wonder what colour it would be?’
    â€˜Most likely, it would be a ginger cat,’ replied the doctor.
    Dirk headed back to the office, where he sat by thewindow, knocking back orange squash on the rocks, blowing smoke shapes and reluctantly stroking the cat until he fell asleep with Willow sleeping on his soft, green belly.

Chapter Fifteen

    The next day, Dirk and Holly travelled across the city’s rooftops, under a grey and featureless sky.
    â€˜Are we going back to the warehouse?’ asked Holly.
    â€˜No,’ replied Dirk. ‘Today we’re going to find out exactly how many dragons we’re up against.’
    â€˜How do we do that?’
    Dirk stopped. They were in the area known as Docklands. Holly’s dad sometimes had meetings here with important businessmen or influential newspaper editors. She had heard him say that many years ago the area had been used for packing goods on to ships and exporting them around the world. These days ithad become a centre of business and home to the highest buildings in London.
    Dirk looked up. Holly followed his gaze. Towering above them was an enormous office block.
    â€˜Up there,’ he replied.
    On weekdays the area was full of business types in expensive suits. They poured out of the trains in the morning and back on again at the end of the working day. Today, a Saturday, it was less hectic, but there were still plenty of people milling around the shops and restaurants or just enjoying a walk by the still dock waters.
    Dirk perched on the tip of a flat-topped office building and looked up at the skyscraper in front of him.
    â€˜How are we getting up there?’ asked Holly.
    â€˜With these,’ he replied, flapping his wings. ‘Come on, I’d better hold you.’
    Holly slid off the dragon’s back and he grabbed her, holding her securely against his belly.
    â€˜Won’t we be seen?’ she asked. ‘It’s a long way and there are a lot of people down there. Someone’s bound to look up.’
    â€˜Ever heard of a smokescreen?’ said Dirk. He cleared his throat and snorted. Grey smoke billowedfrom his nostrils. Holly shut her eyes tight to keep the smoke out. Dirk spun round on the spot a couple of times, still snorting, until the smoke completely enveloped them. He

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