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Book: HotTango by Sidney Bristol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sidney Bristol
around it for
    “Look at me,” Cole growled out.
    Tanya opened her eyes, unaware that she’d shut them. Cole’s
gaze bored into her, demanding and owning her as he thrust into her. Her
breathing hitched with every joining. His pelvic bone ground against her clit,
driving her into a spiral of lust.
    She squeezed her inner muscles tight and pushed back against
him, working in tandem to the rhythm he’d set. Thrust, withdraw, repeat. Each
time her vision narrowed until all she saw were the two brown-black points of
Cole’s eyes.
    “Oh yeah.” She nodded.
    Cole surged into her, going deep and hard, again and again.
Tanya’s jaw dropped and she groaned as climax rippled through her, hard, fast
and devastating, as if it were pulled up from her toes by force. Cole’s body
went taut, his jaw dropped on a silent moan, his grip on her thighs almost
bruising and their breath mingling and bodies going lax.
    Tanya could have rested there for an age, but Cole gently
pulled out. He produced the key to the cuffs and unlocked them, taking a moment
to massage each wrist and press kisses to the pink marks. Once she’d caught her
breath, he helped her off the dresser.
    It didn’t hurt her feelings that he so briskly went about
getting ready.
    “Guess it is a good thing someone else does the laundry,” he
chuckled and gestured at the evidence of their lovemaking on the front of his
    She climbed up in bed and smothered a laugh in the pillows.
    In less than five minutes he’d changed and was ready to go.
    “Bye, babe.” He leaned over her and gave her a slow,
lingering kiss. On the mouth, not her forehead or cheek, but full on the lips.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him there for a moment longer,
relishing this deeper intimacy they were rebuilding.
    “Bye. Stay safe, okay?”
    “I plan on it.”
    Tanya listened to Cole’s movements through the house and the beep of the front door as he left.
    So there were more issues than she realized. At least it was
something they could fix. It was more than she’d had before to work with, but
she felt up to the challenge.
    Her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her phone.
Since she’d put out feelers to a few of the derby girls for some afternoon
skating, she lugged herself out of bed, jogged to the table and grabbed her
phone on the last ring.
    “Hi, this is Lea from Honey. Is this Tanya?”
    “Yes, it is. Hi, Lea.”
    “Hey, I was just calling to let you know we have the book in
stock you wanted. Do you still want me to hold a copy for you?”
    “Yes, please. I’ll be down in an hour to pick it up.”
    A book and the Olympics on TV—maybe she could take today
off. And tomorrow, she’d pick the card from Pandora’s Box.
    * * * * *
    Cole watched the thinning crowds. It was evening and the
Olympic Village was emptying out for the most part. People were headed out for
dinner or to take in some of the Games, while others were packing in the last
rest before their events.
    Aaron rested his shoulder on the opposite side of the column
supporting Cole. There were still at least six hours left in their Olympic
shift, but after a regular shift and then being called out to execute a
warrant, Cole could have slept the day away. Instead he was on crowd control
duty. Typically he wouldn’t be on duty for more than twelve hours at a time
without a twelve-hour break following, but with the Olympics, everything was
flexible. It didn’t hurt that the overtime would make a nice addition to his
bank account. Maybe after this he should look into a trip for Tanya and him.
Someplace they could explore this kinky side of her. He was warming up to the
idea of a more active sex life.
    “What the fuck is up with you?” Aaron asked without
    “Excuse you.” Cole turned toward his friend with a snort.
“You are speaking to your commanding officer.”
    “Yeah, whatever. What’s up with that grim face? Not get

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