
Free HotTango by Sidney Bristol

Book: HotTango by Sidney Bristol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sidney Bristol
He didn’t carry grudges, which was a blessing. They’d be okay. “Well, I’m sorry
there’s not any time left to help you before you go to work.”
    All her plans of surprising him were pointless now. She
wouldn’t make him late when things were so stressful right now.
    He glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. “I don’t
know. Fifteen minutes is longer than a lot of operations I’ve run.”
    “You can’t be serious.” Tanya leaned back and stared up at
him. Deep down she wanted him to be serious.
    Cole spun her in place and lifted her in one motion, setting
her ass on the edge of his dresser.
    “What are you doing?” she managed to get out through
    “Whatever I want,” he said, pressing his face close to hers.
    Cole grasped her arms and brought them around behind her.
Cold metal wrapped around one wrist, then the other, followed by a click
click click .
    Tanya jerked her arms, but she was handcuffed to the spindle
that supported a large mirror attachment. A thrill shot through her. They’d
used his police-issue handcuffs once after he got them in a giggle-fest that
had been some of the silliest sex they’d ever had. But they’d also been all of
    “Don’t make me put you under arrest,” he purred. Cole’s
hands were in her panties before she could get a grip on the back edge of the
dresser. She giggled and lifted her hips enough for her panties to be whisked
    Whatever had set Cole off was long forgotten, judging by the
way he gazed at her through heavily lidded eyes and his almost lewd grin. She
wanted to touch him, but the handcuffs didn’t allow for much movement. He
seemed to read her mind, holding her face with one hand, lowering until his
lips were almost within reach. Tanya strained toward him but he remained
    “My rules,” he said.
    “Fine,” she huffed.
    Cole swooped in, digging a hand into her hair to hold her in
place and nipping her lower lip. He followed it up with a sweet, sucking kiss
that stole her breath away.
    Tanya would like to savor this giddy, carefree moment, but
their fifteen-minute window of opportunity was ticking down. Cole glanced over
his shoulder and spat out a curse. He made quick work of his pants, unfastening
and shoving his clothing and underwear down. They hadn’t done quick in a long
time. Hell, just doing sex was a rare occurrence for them. But she could
remember stolen moments between classes when they’d been complete sex junkies.
    Again she jerked against the handcuffs. She wanted to get
her hands in there, grab his cock and pump it. She knew the transformation her
handling his stiff flesh brought about on his face, but her hands were tied.
    Cole studied her for a moment, one side of his mouth hitched
up in an infuriating, mischievous grin. He wrapped his hand around his stiff
flesh, stroking it up and down. She bit her lip and glared at him. This whole
bondage idea was a bad one. It completely sidelined her.
    He grinned and scooted closer. “I think I’m onboard with
this whole tying you up idea.”
    “Well, I’m not,” she snapped.
    Maybe that was a lie. There was something hot about watching
Cole, knowing he was aroused for the same reason she was. They might have
disconnected for awhile, but they were getting back on the right track. They
weren’t broken, just a little rusty.
    Cole gathered up her skirt, revealing her nakedness. He slid
his thumb between her folds.
    “Mm, yeah,” Cole muttered.
    “Ten minutes.” She threw the words down like a challenge.
    Cole pushed her knees open wide. “Fuck being on time.”
    “I think I’d prefer it if you fucked me.”
    “I can do that, babe.”
    She hitched her leg up around his hip and leaned back on the
dresser. The sensation of Cole’s cock thrusting up into her pussy hard and fast
drove the oxygen from her lungs. He pulled her closer to the edge and she
perched one foot on top of a drawer pull, wrapping her toes

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