almost irresistible. He even showed me a few programming tricks to use when I was stuck and helped me debug a number of projects.

Chapter Six
    Although I suspected he didn't want Amber to know we were sleeping together, Darkwater made no effort to hide our relationship from his brothers. We had dinner out with them twice and he and I attended a party at Michael's apartment.
    During those weeks when we spent all but three nights together old feelings and emotions that were better left undisturbed threatened to return. Although I knew it was unwise, I found myself falling for him again.
    Those feelings betrayed me one night after we'd spent the evening out slow dancing under the stars. We returned to his house and swam naked in his pool. When he pressed me against the side of the pool and rubbed his erect cock against my clit, I had a weak moment when I wanted to part my legs and invite him to take me without protection.
    Staring down into my gaze, he slipped an arm around my waist and slowly pressed the head of his shaft against my pussy.
    I caught my breath as a wave of longing seized me. It was difficult, but I pushed him away and climbed out of the water, trembling.
    He followed me and we dried each other off.
    When I reached for the towel to wrap around my naked body, he tossed it away and knelt in front of me.
    I stared down at him, my heart pounding.
    Slipping his hands over my ass, he extended his tongue and bent his head to kiss and lap at my slit slowly before thrusting his tongue inside my pussy.
    My legs shaking, I gripped his shoulders and pushed my hips forward.
    Sliding his hand around my body, he ate me. Lord, it felt good. No one had ever eaten me with as much gusto as he did. His skillful fingers, tongue, and lips drove me to a quick, sizzling climax. When I cried out and came, he gripped my hip tightly and thrust his tongue up into me in search of pussy cream.
    With my fingers curled in his hair, I humped his face until the last shudder of release left my body.
    Pressing a final kiss against my pussy, he rose to his feet and took me in his arms.
    I trembled in his embrace, feeling overwhelmed with emotions I knew I shouldn't be feeling.
    He held me until I stopped trembling and then he took my hand in his and led me to his bedroom. On the rare occasions we didn't have sex when we spent the night together, we still slept in the nude. We got into bed together with the moonlight shining into the room and cuddled.
    However, after a while that wasn't enough for either of us. I felt guilty because I knew he hadn't come and I wanted his cock in me.
    Clearly, he wanted more as well. Nibbling at the back of my neck, he slipped a hand between my legs and eased his fingers into my pussy.
    Feeling his big dick laying hard against my ass, I trembled, pushing myself onto his fingers.
    He bit my ear lobe and pinched my nipples, making me wet and hungry for him. I mindlessly reached between our bodies until I felt his cock pulsing against my fingers. I lost it and I wanted it and him inside me raw, consequences be damned.
    Almost as if he knew of my hunger and weakness, he suddenly removed his fingers from my slit, turned me onto my back, rose over me, and with one powerful thrust buried his gloriously bare and erect cock deep inside me.
    Oh, fuck. I'd never felt anything so good in my entire life. I couldn't say no. I gasped and stared up at him with my eyes wide and my lips parted...ready and eager to be fucked raw.
    He stared down at me, not moving.
    After several moments, I realized he was waiting for me to protest and insist he pull out. I should have, but I couldn't. Just once, I wanted to experience raw sex with him. What little commonsense I had left insisted on a token protest.
    I placed my hands on his shoulders. "You promised you wouldn't do this, Thomas."
    "Tell me to pull out and I will," he responded in a brusque voice.
    "So you're putting the onus on me?"
    "It's your pussy."
    "I thought it was

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