Baby (Laundromat Chonicles Book 3)

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Book: Baby (Laundromat Chonicles Book 3) by Angie Merriam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie Merriam
love me? The one person that knows all my secrets, fears and doubts. The one person I let into my fucked up home life. It’s not her fault any more than it is mine. I need to get my shit under control. I hate the way she’s looking at me.
    “Lena, baby.” I try but she shakes her head no at me. Backing away, her hands raised in surrender.
    “Look, Hap, I get it. You’re fucking scared, so am I. You’re shocked. So am I. But you wanna know the difference between you and me right now?” Her words are dripping with venom. I hate it. I hate seeing my girl like this. I didn’t bother with an answer. I’m just likely to stick my foot in my mouth or freak out again so I just shake my head. “You can walk away.” It came out so simply. What the fuck is she talking about?
    “What do you mean?” I ask her, trying to hide the terror I’m feeling.
    “You don’t have to stick around, Hap. You can go. Follow your football dreams and go to college. I know how much that means to you. So go. I don’t need you. We don’t need you. See the difference between you and me is you still have a choice. I don’t. Hap, I’m just as terrified as you are, but we made this baby out of our love. I refuse to have an abortion and there’s no way in hell anybody will take my baby so I will do what I have to do. Don’t worry, we’ll leave you alone, just know that I do love you and hope you get everything in life you’ve always wanted.” She turns and walks away from me.
    I stand there, stunned, watching her go. What the hell am I doing? Is football really that important? Do I love it more than I love that girl? Hell no I don’t. It doesn’t take long for me to realize what I want. It’s her. It’s her and our baby. Fucking A, I’m gonna be a dad.
    “Lena, wait,” I call out to her, running in the direction she took off in. She doesn’t stop until I make it to her, grabbing her arm. “Lena, stop,” I say again.
    “What? Why? So you can break my heart a little more? Just let me go, Hap.” She’s full on crying now. I’m such a dick.
    “No. Listen. I’m sorry. I freaked out… bad! But a baby? It’s scary. And I don’t know, I guess I just panicked. The thing is, I’d never ask you to have an abortion or give our baby away. Never. And there is no way in hell I am going away to college and leaving you. You’re more than just my girlfriend. You’re my best friend, Lena. I need you. I need us.” I pause to gauge her reaction. She’s not running away from me so I’ll take that as a plus.
    “I don’t know how we are going to do this but we are going to do this together. We made that baby together and we will raise that baby together.” Despite the fear threatening to crush me from the inside, I’ve never said truer words to anyone in my life. We will do this and we will do it together. She has my word on that.
    “Are you sure? I don’t want to trap you or have you think I did this on purpose to keep you with me. I didn’t.” Her hands fidget the way they do when she’s nervous. I’ve never been the cause of that kind of anxiety, until now. I never want to be the cause of it again. Of all people, I know she didn’t do this on purpose, hell we were both there.
    “Shhh, babe, I know you didn’t. I was there that night too. We did this together. Come here.” She doesn’t hesitate when I grab her, pulling her into my arms. Her arms wrap around my neck, holding on tight. I bury my face in the curve of her shoulder where I can smell the shampoo she uses. Smells like a bouquet of flowers. I love that smell. I inhale her scent deeply, allowing myself to be calmed just by being close to her. Being physically close to Lena has always had a calming effect for me.
    “You’re gonna be a mom, babe.” I kiss the delicate skin of her neck.
    “And you’re gonna be a dad.” She giggles nervously.
    “Holy shit,” is all I say as I giggle too.
    I’m ten years old and sporting a black eye from my father. I made

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