Baby (Laundromat Chonicles Book 3)

Free Baby (Laundromat Chonicles Book 3) by Angie Merriam

Book: Baby (Laundromat Chonicles Book 3) by Angie Merriam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie Merriam
The moment the words fall from my girlfriend’s mouth my entire world stands still. The sun that is shining brightly in March ceases to exist. The kids screaming at the nearby park may as well not even be there because I can’t hear them anymore. Hell, even my beautiful girlfriend who I love to look at seems to disappear. The only things I’m aware of are the two words she just nervously muttered. Two simple words that will change our lives forever.
    “I’m pregnant.”
    I run it through my head over and over. Of course I know how these things happen. I know every time Lena and I have sex there is a chance this could happen. We’re always safe. I always wrap it up, except for that one time last month. Valentine’s Day. Fuck. Yes, I knocked up my girl on Valentine’s Day.
    The night was unusually warm for February which I was thankful for. I had big plans for Lena and a warm day happened to be a bonus. I’d saved up half of every paycheck for the last six months to buy her a promise ring. The plan was perfect. Rent a limo to drive us to dinner at her favorite restaurant where I planned to give her the ring. There was no way I was letting anything ruin this night.
    I arrived at her house in the limo at six on the dot. As always, I had to wait a good ten minutes for her to finish getting ready. She didn’t need to spend all that time doing whatever it is girls do when they’re getting ready to go out, she’s beautiful just the way she is. Dressing up makes her happy though, and her happiness means more to me than the time I sit and wait for her.
    That night, however, the wait was more than worth it. My girl is beautiful in sweats with her hair up and no makeup, but she was stunning in her little black dress. I had to will my dick to stay down the moment she appeared at the top of her staircase. The last thing I needed was a hard on with her mother standing right there watching my every move. She likes me well enough, but Lena is her baby. I understood her concern. I love Lena that much.
    “You look so pretty, baby.” I beamed at her, pulling her into a tight hug the moment her feet hit the last stair.
    “Thanks, babe. You look pretty good yourself.” She giggled before giving me a quick peck on the cheek. Her mother, still watching, cleared her throat… loudly. I am always on my best behavior around Mrs. Johnson, but every now and then I get caught up in Lena and forget her mother is watching.
    “Sorry, Mrs. Johnson.” I released Lena, shoving my hands in my pockets in an attempt not to touch my girl.
    She nodded at me before looking at Lena. “Home by twelve,” she said, her words clipped.
    “I know, Mom. Goodnight.” Lena leaned in, hugging her mother.
    “I’ll take good care of her.” I promised, again she just nodded at me. A small smile played at the corner of her mouth threatening to expose her loving side to me. I didn’t take her sternness personally, if I had a daughter like Lena, I’d be the same way.
    Without another word, I escorted my girl to the waiting limo. She squealed in excitement at the sight of the sleek black car waiting for us. Her surprise and excitement made me happy. As shitty as my childhood was, all I needed was her smile. No high from drugs or alcohol matched the high she gave me.
    “You got a limo, Hap?” She clapped her hands happily while the limo driver opened the back door, allowing her to slide in first.
    “Only the best for my girl.” Flashing her a smile, I slid in behind her. Once we were both inside, the driver, having directions for the entire night, pulled away from her mother who was still watching from the sidewalk. Lena snuggled into me creating warm sensations in my heart and my dick. I just held her though, there would be time for that later.
    When we pulled into the restaurant parking lot her face lit up. “It’s my favorite restaurant. You’re so sweet, baby.” Her lips reached mine, lingering there until the car came to a stop.
    “Only the best

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