Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven

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Book: Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven by Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys
him, breathing a sigh of relief when his arms folded around her, pulling her body tight into his.
    His heart rate had slowed and his breathing was even. Vadik had fallen asleep and reached for her.
    Whether he wanted to give her more or not, she’d give him everything of herself. Even if it was never more than this—sleeping soundly next to him—Andrea was okay with that.
    This was enough.

Chapter Seven
    V adik pulled on his boxer briefs and listened to the rhythm of Andrea’s sleep. The ridiculously expensive clothing he’d shed the night before lay on the floor, still. Putting it back on felt like a lie.
    The fact that he’d managed to get out of bed without waking her had amazed him. Hell, she amazed him. He’d been on a lot of assignments with women where there had been attraction before. Something about pumping adrenaline and life-or-death situations seemed to bring out the hard-on.
    But this was different. In an unnerving way.
    Andrea, unlike the women he’d been with in the past, was soft and happy and almost indulgent in her humor. She didn’t snap or push him away. And even with her black hair and demure costume, she was a ray of sunshine.
    She rolled over and groaned, reaching into the empty space where he’d just been laying. Her eyes barely opened in the low light coming in under the heavy curtains, and she glanced around the room. When she saw him, her smile unfurled like a big flag, until it danced widely on her gorgeous features.
    His heart flipped over and he felt something pulling on him, like she’d activated a homing beacon and was calling him home. He offered a small smile in return. “I didn’t want to wake you.”
    “You didn’t.” Andrea pushed herself up and the blanket fell from her shoulders, revealing alert nipples.
    Vadik’s tongue slipped between his lips. He wanted to taste her again. “I was going to go for a run.” He gestured around. “But I appear to only have expensive suits in here. I should head to my room.”
    “I heard my phone buzz. I think that’s what woke me.” She looked around, her breasts swaying with each movement. His hands flexed with the memory of their weight on his fingertips.
    “I didn’t hear it.” He lifted the now-wrinkled suit pants he’d discarded the previous night.
    She tapped the side of her head. “Wolf hearing.”
    “Right.” He shifted in the chair. “I guess you probably have some abilities I don’t have, then.”
    She leaned over the other side of the bed and came back up with her phone in her hand. “Our senses are more sensitive, when we really need them, and of course, the long life.”
    “Long life?”
    She swiped at the screen. “Yeah, we heal supernaturally, so we have longer life. Plus, y’know, if you bond. Then you get a hundred years.”
    “What does that mean? Bond?” He folded the pants and his own phone slid from the pocket and thudded to the carpet. On the screen, he saw a notification from Luther pop up, and reached for the thing.
    “It’s Niko,” she said absently, typing something into her phone. “We need to meet him downstairs.” She shook her head, as though remembering. “Yeah, bonding. When you meet your mate, you bond your life force together, and then you have a hundred years together. It’s…” Andrea looked up and her expression tightened. “It’s part of the original curse.”
    Vadik nodded. “Wolf stuff.”
    “Sorry. I just don’t usually talk with humans about this stuff.” She pulled the blanket up to cover her breasts. “My father drilled in to us from an early age, we never talk about it with humans.”
    “I get it.” He opened up the text message from Luther. Meet us in the lobby when you’re up . “Luther said the same thing as Niko.”
    “Maybe your phone woke you, too.” Her smile was automatic, like she was trying to cheer him up.
    “No. I was awake for a while before I got out of bed.” He picked up the silky shirt he’d been wearing the previous day and slung

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