Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven

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Book: Broken Wolf: Moonbound Series, Book Seven by Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Shannan, Camryn Rhys
it over his arm.
    A flush crossed her cheeks. “You didn’t have to stay on my account.”
    Vadik grabbed the suit coat. “I didn’t want to leave, or anything. I just get restless when there’s someone in my bed.” He froze, glancing up at her. “I’m not used to waking up with someone.”
    Her hands tightened on the blanket. “Trust me, I get it. I haven’t woken up next to someone in years.”
    He leaned against the dark wooden armoire and watched her whole body tighten at some memory. “He must’ve been something else.”
    Her blue eyes met his, all innocence, but there was something behind them. Something she was holding back. “Who?” she asked.
    “The guy you woke up next to.” Vadik crossed his arms, clothes hanging from them like wash on a line, and something heavy caught in his throat and stayed there. Flashes of some other guy in Andrea’s bed. His shoulders tensed. “He snagged you, so he must’ve been something else.”
    She stepped out of the bed and the blanket fell away from her body. She had the long, lithe body of a runner, but her breasts were full, and, if he hadn’t felt them himself, he would have sworn they were fake. They were so perfect.
    Andrea lifted a hand to his cheek. “You’re somethin’ else, Vadik Nabatov.”
    A long silence hung between them, and the place where her skin touched his sizzled with heat. Vadik caught himself dipping toward her and stopped. “Not that I want you to cover up, but I saw your shirt on the other side of the bed. We should get down to Luther.”
    Her smile made him want to smile back. She slapped his chest and he jumped. “Did Luther say what was up?” She walked around the bed, her perfect ass bouncing with each step.
    Dammit. He wanted to grab that ass.
    “Only that we should come down as soon as we’re ready.”
    “So they all assumed we’re together.” Andrea sighed. “Of course, they can probably tell.”
    “Is that another wolf thing?” He picked up his shoes—or rather—Ilya’s shoes, and walked toward the door.
    “It’s more like a nosy thing.” She opened her suitcase and threw the previous day’s discarded clothes in. The bags of Sasha clothes were littered around, some empty and some untouched.
    He nodded at the bright red Diva Dallas bag at the foot of the bed. “You’re going as Sasha? Or as Andrea?”
    By the time he looked up, she was fully clothed. Jeans, light t-shirt, and she had the coat in her hand. She picked up her shoes and gestured to the door. “I’m always Andrea. Even in Sasha’s clothes.”
    He shrugged. “I don’t know. Babushka would say, ‘a song without one word is not the same song’ . ”
    “You’re Vadik,” she added, closing her door, “Even in Ilya’s clothes. That’s why we failed at training. We are who we are, and dressing us up as someone else doesn’t make us someone else.”
    He smirked and walked into the hallway, all of Ilya’s clothes in his hands. Bright lights illuminated the tiny pinstripes in the pattern of the fabric. He was lucky he even knew what pinstripes were. “Maybe you’re right.” Vadik pulled the hotel key card from the pocket of Ilya’s pants and opened the door to his room. “But I don’t know if we failed at training.”
    “Let me guess,” Andrea said, leaning against the door frame and holding the door open. “You never fail at anything.”
    “Oh, I fail constantly. Failure isn’t the problem.” He set Ilya’s clothes on the bed and reached for his duffel bag. “It’s how you fail.”
    He pulled on a pair of jeans and looked over his shoulder.
    She was openly checking him out, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “So we failed wrong?” Her hand moved up the door jamb, stretching out the length of her body.
    Vadik clenched his fingers, willing himself to stop looking at her body. Instead, he yanked a t-shirt over his head and picked up his bomber jacket. The fur lining was plush under his skin. “I don’t know yet.” He

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