Time Storm Shockwave

Free Time Storm Shockwave by Juliann Farnsworth Page A

Book: Time Storm Shockwave by Juliann Farnsworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliann Farnsworth
tired. He felt uncertain that the correct number of hours had passed. He laughed aloud at himself. That had bee n such an incredible experience. He had a whole map full of magnetic anomalies and evidence, as well as being an eyewitness— I am going to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle —he smiled to himself.
    Dierdra was nowhere to be found. He went to her door and knocked. “Ashlyn, are you awake?”
    She didn’t answer him. After a moment, he went into the galley to make himself some food. I guess the honeymoon is over , he lamented, and it hadn’t even begun .
    Dierdra showed up just as he finished frying his eggs.
    “You didn’t make any for me?” She pouted.
    He turned around and questioned her with his eyes.
    “What?” she asked.
    “I thought our arrangement was that you would cook for me?”
    He felt annoyed— why is she acting so different ly ? —It was as if he didn’t know her at all.
    “I’m sorry”—she covered quickly—“I just overslept.”
    “It’s alright. It’s been a weird couple of days I suppose.”
    “So has anything really interesting happened out here?”
    “What’s wrong with you? Did I dream the other night or what? You act like you don’t even know what we did.”
    Dierdra glanced away for a second, and then said coyly, “Don’t be silly—” she walked closer to him and put her arms around his neck “—how could I possibly forget something like that?”
    He focused on her eyes, and then pulled back a little.
    “Hey”—she tilted her head—“if I seemed insensitive last night, I‘m sorry, I was just tired.”
    “I know .” He leaned down and kissed her.
    Kissing her felt different somehow, but he couldn’t explain it. When he had finally started to forget his irritation and relax, she abruptly pulled away from him.
    “Feel better?” she asked as if kissing him would change his sour mood.
    He didn’t answer; he just studied her.
    “ Are you going to dive here?” she asked.
    “You know where we are —” he eyed her strangely “—right?”
    She made a dismissive gesture, “Of course.”
    “And you don’t have a problem with that?”
    “Why would I?”
    Her nonchalant attitude had him quite perplexed.
    “You were terrified before; I thought you said you never wanted to come back here?”
    She hesitated, “Well, I’ve thought about it and I’ve decided that I was being silly.”
    He was beginning to wonder if she had multiple personalities. He needed to get away from her. He headed up to the pilothouse, and then chose to go up to the flybridge instead.
    When Dierdra realized he wasn’t in the pilothouse, she began rummaging through his papers and charts.
    Ashlyn was pushing the motor as hard as it would go, but the waves were not cooperating. The boat was pitching a lot, and it seemed as if the wind was fighting them too.
    Stewart came up on the deck. He was having a panic attack from the way she was driving the boat. They were riding high in the water and going so fast that it felt like they were pounding over speed bumps.
    “Can you slow down at all?” The dread in his voice made her turn around.
    “Are you scared?”
    “I hate the ocean.”
    “You’ve got to be kidding ! Aren’t you working on your PhD in oceanography or something?”
    “Yes, I’m trying to overcome my fear by being out here.”
    She shook her head. “Look, I’m really sorry I have to go this fast, but Mark is in danger. Don’t you care?”
    He was stung by her question, but he didn’t answer her. She turned back to the ocean ahead and sped up the boat as much as she dare.
    “ I’m sorry, but I know what Dierdra is capable of doing, and I don’t want Mark to—” She stopped speaking abruptly and tears started rolling down her face, but her expression didn’t change.
    Stewart was surprised by the tears and wondered if he might be wrong about her after all. “How do you know where they’re going?” he asked.
    She didn’t turn around but

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