pulled a crumpled note out of her pocket, the one Mark had given her with the latitude and longitude. She flashed it at him and said simply, “GPS.”
Holding his stomach, Stewart headed back down to the cabin.
Mark finally came down to the pilothouse where Dierdra was sitting on the sofa.
“ I’m going to dive now,” he spoke without looking at her. He walked past her to go down the stairs.
“Mark —” she waited for him to turn around “—sorry, I can’t let you do that.” She said it with a smile, but she had a gun pointed directly at him.
Chapter 6
Great occasions do not make heroes or cowards; they simply
unveil them to the eyes of men. — Bishop Westcott
Ashlyn saw the yacht before she was close enough for the boat motor to be heard. The wind was blowing hard now, and the rocky waves had turned into substantial swells that were going to make it difficult to get close to the other vessel.
She maneuvered her craft as close as she dared, and then turned off the motor. The waves weren’t working in her favor; collision was a possibility. However, the noise of the wind might mask her approach.
“Stewart, get up here,” she commanded.
I’m starting to wish that Dierdra had just killed me. At least then, I wouldn’t be on this tiny boat. He was so sea sick that he could hardly raise his head without being overwhelmed with nausea. He didn’t respond.
“Stewart —” she hissed “—get up here now!”
He glared at her, but forced himself to go up on the deck. Staring at the moving waves in the bobbing boat, he felt as if he might collapse—up—down—up—down, it wouldn’t stopped.
She focused on his pale face for a moment, but said, “Stewart, I know you are suffering”—she took him gently by the shoulders—“and I want to help, really, but right now I have to get on that yacht before Mark …” She didn’t finish as she turned to look across the water.
He followed her gaze and for the first time realized that they had found the yacht. A wave of relief washed over him. Maybe this torment will finally end.
“I need you to take the wheel . Wait until I’m on the yacht; give me five minutes, and then start the motor—get as close as you can, and then drop the anchor—” she glanced across the water “—and, please try not to hit the yacht, okay?”
“How are you going to get over there?” he asked, bewildered.
She stared at the fifty feet of swelling-ocean that separated the two vessels, and then back at Stewart. “Swim.”
Mark studied Dierdra as she stood there, gun in hand. I ruined my relationship with my best friend for this. He felt sick.
“Why are you doing this, Ashlyn?”
Dierdra didn’t bother correcting the name. “You’ve been sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, and some people are not happy with you.”
“Who —” he threw up his hands “—what are you talking about? I haven’t been doing anything, to anyone.”
“ At least you haven’t put it all together. That’s good, but I will probably still have to kill you.”
Her voice was as cold as if she were choosing between hash browns and toast. How can this be Ashlyn? She had seemed so different, so caring. This woman was as cold as ice. It occurred to him that Stewart might not have sent that note willingly.
“What did you do to Stewart?” Mark demanded an answer, ignoring the gun.
Dierdra rubbed her neck and gave him a half smile. “He’s dead.”
Sudden waves of nausea hit him, but it wasn’t from the movement of the sea or the pitching of the boat. He sat down on the stairs leading down to the aft deck, his back to her. All of this was his fault. He didn’t care anymore. She might as well get it over with and kill him.
“Mark, ” she spoke his name.
He didn’t turn around. He just sat there for a second, and then stood up and walked down the stairs.
She didn’t shoot him because the curve of the staircase had blocked him before she