B.A.S.E. Camp

Free B.A.S.E. Camp by Rob Childs

Book: B.A.S.E. Camp by Rob Childs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Childs
Chapter One
    The green, vintage Bentley purred along the avenue of oak trees and scrunched to a halt in the wet gravel of the courtyard.
    â€˜Here we are, m’boy,’ Gramps said, peering through the rain-spattered windscreen. ‘Hard to believe my old boarding school is going to be
home for the next fortnight.’
    Gareth stared at the ancient building. The skyline was dominated by its towers and tall chimneys, which pointed up into the dark clouds like bony fingers.
    â€˜Bet you never thought you’d see this place again, eh, Gramps?’
    â€˜Aye, you’re right there, m’boy,’ Gramps said, nodding. ‘The Old Manor hasn’t changed a bit though, by the look of it, in the past 50 years.’
    â€˜The name has,’ Gareth reminded him. ‘It’s now known as B.A.S.E. Camp – the British Academy of Sporting Excellence.’
    â€˜Aye, well,’ Gramps sighed. ‘It’ll always be the Old Manor to me – the haunted house!’
    Gareth laughed. ‘Most of the tales about your schooldays are ghost stories.’
    They climbed out of the car, and Gareth collected his bags from the boot. ‘Sure you won’t stay for a while, Gramps?’ he asked, suddenly feeling nervous. ‘Y’know, have a little look round, like.’
    â€˜No, that can wait till the weekend when I come with your mother for the Open Day,’ said Gramps. ‘You’re about to meet a whole new bunch of pals, so I won’t hang around and get in your way.’
    â€˜OK then. Thanks for bringing me. I’ll look forward to telling you everything on Sunday.’
    Gramps slipped his grandson a wink. ‘Aye, well, perhaps not
, eh?’ he chuckled. ‘Best to keep mum, as they say, about any of them ghosts you might meet!’
    When Gramps left to drive home through the afternoon traffic, Gareth was shown into one of the small dormitories on the second floor. Only the top bed of one of the two bunks had not already been claimed.
    â€˜Good job I don’t mind heights,’ he said, grinning. ‘I’m a high jumper.’
    A drawled response came from the opposite top bunk.
    â€˜Yeah? Well don’t go jumpin’ out of bed and makin’ a noise in the middle of the night, man. I’m a light sleeper.’
    A long, black leg trailed over the side of the bunk, dangling down in front of the face of the boy below, who was perched on the edge of the bed. He pushed it away and went on tightening the spikes in his running shoes. ‘You’ve got smelly feet,’ he complained.
    â€˜Not my feet, man – just my socks.’
    â€˜Same thing.’
    â€˜I’m Gareth, by the way,’ said Gareth, interrupting his roommates. ‘What events do you two do?’

    The lad in the top bunk sat up and pulled on a pair of trainers. ‘Adam – long jump and sprints,’ he said and then pointed downwards. ‘That’s Wonder Boy, who says he’s a runner.’
    â€˜Wonder Boy?’
    â€˜Yeah. Ever since he got here, he’s not stopped
’ about stuff.’
    â€˜Most people call me Eddie,’ the boy on the bottom bunk put in. ‘I only said “I wonder who’s sharing this room with us”.’
    â€˜And wonder what we’re doin’ later. And what’s for tea. And…’
    â€˜OK, OK,’ Eddie sighed. ‘Sorry – guess I’m just a bit nervous.’
    â€˜We all are,’ Gareth said in support. ‘What
we doing, anyway, this afternoon?’
    â€˜Whatever they say, man,’ grunted Adam.
    â€˜The coaches.’
    â€˜Adam was here at Easter, too,’ Eddie explained, pulling a face. ‘Been boasting how not many people get invited back for extra coaching in the summer.’
    â€˜Perhaps he needs it,’ Gareth grinned.
need it, man. These guys are the

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