A Taste of Honey

Free A Taste of Honey by Darren Coleman

Book: A Taste of Honey by Darren Coleman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darren Coleman
Manny their lives and destroyed mine in the process. Meanwhile, she’d gone on living her life as if nothing had ever happened. Now as I looked at Khalil, it was clear to me. He’d been delivered to me for a reason. I knew that the time had come to have my revenge.
    “Where is all this coming from?” he asked in response to my request that he make love to me.
    “Does it matter? Khalil, I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me all day. I know you want me.”
    He bit his bottom lip and took a deep breath and began to shake his head no. “Honey…I mean, you’re beautiful, but I can’t do this.”
    “Why, because you love her? Or because she loves you?”
    When he didn’t answer right away I looked at him with a slight smirk. I walked past him and toward the steps. I could feel his eyes locked on my ass as I hit the steps. I unzipped my top and dropped it on the steps as I ascended them.
    “Honey?” he said as he began to follow me. “Where are you going?”
    At the top of the steps I casually stepped out of the bottom to my suit and continued my search for the bedroom. The first room I saw was nearly empty. The second had a computer desk that took up the entire wall. I could hear Khalil calling my name from the base of the steps. I headed for the last room, certain that it was the room in which I would send Rorrie’s life crumbling topieces. I reached behind me and unclasped my bra and dropped it onto the parquet floor of his hallway.
    “Honey,” he called out as I heard him climbing the stairs. “Oh shit,” he yelled out. “What are you doing, girl?”
    I’d found his bedroom and dropped my panties on the floor in front of the bed. When he hit the door of his room he saw me there on the bed, naked. He locked eyes with me and walked over to the bed.
    “Why?” he asked. His eyes showed conflict. He must have loved Rorrie. But typical of a man, he’d made a series of bad judgments that had landed him in this situation. Thinking that he could handle things, that he could be a knight in shining armor without it leading to this. Perhaps things were out of his control from the second he saw me. It really didn’t matter now. I was in control of him. What I was about to give him usually cost thousands, but this time it was free. He was staring at me with hunger in his eyes. The shades and curtains were closed in the room, only allowing for a pinch of sunlight to invade. Still there was enough for him to see every detail and every curve. The distinct contrast of my skin and my areolae, my deep-chocolate nipples sitting up off of my breast.
    I sat up on my knees and grabbed his face in my hands as I pulled his mouth to mine. “Just know this,” I said in a whisper. “Once you make love to me, your life will never be the same. I can promise you that. Once you get inside of this, you’ll forget all about her,” I spoke softly into his ear. “I promise that I’ll have you coming so fast and hard you won’t be able to think of anything else, ever.”
    His eyes were closed and I began to kiss his face and neck. When I heard him moan I knew that he was a goner. This wasroutine for me, all about giving him pleasure. It was just a means to an end for me. I’d never been emotionally connected to any partner even if I found them attractive, which was almost always. Even still, I seldom took on any client that I didn’t find attractive. I’d believed that intellect and power were very sexy when used properly between lovers. With maturation, I’d come to learn that being attractive didn’t always equate to physical looks.
    Still in all the years I’d been having sex, I’d been with only a selected few outside of business. And in those situations the cards were always on the table beforehand. But this moment with Khalil was different. He began to do that which I had never allowed anyone since Manny to do, which was kissing me in the mouth. It felt strange but good. I began to lose track of myself and what

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