The Talented Mr. Rivers

Free The Talented Mr. Rivers by Helenkay Dimon

Book: The Talented Mr. Rivers by Helenkay Dimon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helenkay Dimon
look impressed with the response. “You should have thought about that before you started screwing him.”
    “That’s pretty funny coming from you.” Hunter couldn’t believe Fisher had said the words since he’d nearly destroyed the initial Pentasus investigation when he put Zach’s life ahead of the mission. And they all knew it. Hell, Hunter had given Fisher and Zach grief over that.
    Seth cleared his throat and dragged the attention back to him. “Which is part of the reason why I will be running this. I don’t care who you sleep with, target or not. Just don’t do something stupid like fall in love.”
    “Never going to happen.” Hunter heard the fierceness in his own voice.
    Fisher shrugged. “I said that once.”
    “You were weak.” It was a knee-jerk response but Hunter thought it fit. Screw whatever happily-ever-after thing Zach and Fisher thought they had going on. They worked in dangerous jobs. They dealt in death every day. Nothing about getting involved at any level other than for sexual release was a good idea for people like them.
    “Enough shit talking.” Seth flipped into serious leader mode in a matter of seconds. “Your job is to keep Will here and happy long enough to draw out the players in this Pentasus game. Do it however you need to, but don’t forget the cameras are running.”
    “This is the last time I’m telling you to turn them off.” Hunter refused to drop that point.
    “I watch until the sex starts, then I’ll keep to the outside cameras.” Seth shot Hunter a crooked smile. “That’s as much as I can promise because when your attention is off the job, then I’m your only protection against getting attacked from behind. Deal with it.”
    Fisher nodded. “We’ll be working on figuring out the rest, trying to find Peter, all while pointing a big arrow right to you. We just need someone to take the bait.”
    On one level it made sense. That didn’t mean Hunter liked it. “This plan is too risky.”
    “So is letting the Rivers clan back out there, kidnapping and holding auctions. I should know since they threatened to auction me,” Fisher said.
    Hunter got that, but…“I could just move Will. Give you time to work through your contacts and find Peter.”
    Fisher wasn’t having it. “It’s better to stay where we have some control and the surveillance already set up.”
    “Except for when you start the good stuff,” Seth added.
    “Fuck you.”
    Seth laughed. “That’s your department. I’m not the one getting all the action.”
    “Is that a problem?” Fisher asked Hunter.
    Hunter didn’t even understand the question. “You’re asking me if having sex is a problem?”
    “Forget that.” Fisher shook his head. “We’re telling you to keep your head in the game.
can’t be more important than this assignment.”
    “I’m technically not on an assignment.” Hunter wasn’t sure how many times he had to say that before someone listened.
    Fisher glanced at Seth before turning back to Hunter. “See, that’s the kind of comment that causes concern.”
    “Fine.” Hunter pushed them both aside and stepped out onto the main street. “You two figure out who Gatt is. Sounds like he was connected to Stacia somehow and might still be lurking around.”
    Seth looked at Fisher. “Now he thinks he’s giving orders.”
    Hunter didn’t see any other reason to team up. “We’re done here.”
    “Just remember we’re watching,” Seth said.
    Hunter took off walking, but did make sure to give them the finger as he left.

Chapter 7
    Will wasn’t really the type to sit when someone told him to. He’d figured out early that in his family the way to stay alive was to keep moving. Not show fear or express any emotions—ever. He was starting to wonder if he needed to deal with Hunter the same way.
    He’d been gone for more than twenty minutes. Long enough for Will to shower, rummage around through the few drawers in the place, then change his clothes. Longer

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