A Bridge Through Time: (Time Travel)

Free A Bridge Through Time: (Time Travel) by Gloria Gay

Book: A Bridge Through Time: (Time Travel) by Gloria Gay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gloria Gay
without hope, locked in the past!”
    “Even though I’m certain I did not pose with it that does not mean that it was never painted on the portrait,” Jestyn assured Jane. There must be a connection between that pendant and my estate. Perhaps we can find proof that the pendant was taken from my house, unbeknownst to us.”
    “I hope so, Jestyn,” Jane said. “You’re my only hope of returning to my time!”
    “I’m very glad you saw the pendant in my portrait, because otherwise I would not have met you, and you came back to save Cedric and me. But I realize that what you want most is to return to your time,” he added with a smile. “I will do everything in my power to help you. We will devise a plan, a plan that may give you hope of returning. I, too, want what is best for you. Although I would love for you to remain here I know you could never be as happy as you are in your own time.
    “There are family journals in the library,” Jestyn said. “I don’t think those journals have been opened in decades. We may find reference of the pendant in one of them.
    “I’m also very intrigued by all that you have shown me and what you have told me,” Jestyn added, “Nothing in my world can be of any surprise to you, since it is all in your history books. However, everything about your world is new and wondrous to me. You are new and wondrous. Had you arrived from the moon I would not have been more surprised. You are beautiful, besides.
    “The more you tell me about the future the more it intrigues me. It would be amazing for me if I could visit it, at least for a short time.”
    “All this is as new to me as my time would be to you,” Jane said. “I can hardly believe it. The experience of going back to the past is something that doesn’t lose its newness. I feel as though I am in the set of a movie that doesn’t end!”
    “A what?” Jestyn was constantly puzzled at Jane’s words and expressions.
    “A motion picture similar to the video clip I showed you in the cell phone; except motion pictures are a lot larger. They are similar to the plays you go to the theater to see, but they are just the images captured and shown on a screen.”
    “ That seems like magic to me,” said Jestyn.
    “Are there any great historical events approaching at this time that are of importance to England?” he asked. “Our country has just declared war on France. Will it last long?”
    “Many years of battles will follow, I’m afraid,” Jane said.
    “Yes, I can believe that,” said Jestyn. “We must put a stop to Napoleon’s advance. He has us in his sights as the largest prize. I don’t know how he even manages to have the whole of France behind him in his criminal course. Intrigue in France is now as common as air. They say it’s dangerous to even to go to the baker’s.”
    “A great leader rises to lead England to victory: Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington,
    “And how many years will the war last?” Jestyn’s voice was now tense.
    “It’s hard to say exactly, with so many coalitions made and un-made” Jane said, trying to recall her college history. “I think it ends around 1815.”
    “Will my country prevail?” Jestyn asked after a few moments of silence.
    “Yes, it will, with the great battle of Waterloo,” Jane assured him. “But is it right for you to know these things?”

    “If you fear I will feel duty bound to inform the King or anyone else in government about this, you needn’t be concerned. Not only would I be thought of as a lunatic and put away, but in the chance in a million they would believe me, I would have interfered with the normal flow of history. Who knows, I might even cause worse catastrophes to befall us. No, Jane, better let things be as they will.”
    “Very wise of you, Jestyn. In my time, there would be plenty of people who would want to take advantage, to buy stock, or whatever.”
    A long silence ensued. Finally, Jestyn spoke.

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