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Book: Caveman by V. Andrian Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. Andrian
know he means and heat runs through me. For fuck’s sake! Me and my reactions. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me up to his chest and then we’re moving. I throw my head on his shoulder and sniff in a tear that’s trying to sneak out.
    “I’m sorry,” I whisper.
    “For hurting your ankle?”
    “No. For having you carry me again. I swear I’ve never had anyone do this for me before. It’s not like me to be so helpless. I feel awful.”
    “Don’t,” he commands softly. “You’re not helpless. You’re hurt. And if I wasn’t here I’m sure you would have walked yourself back but now you don’t have to. I don’t mind carrying you.”
    I put my palm on his chest and feel his heart beating firmly underneath. “Thank you.”
    He doesn’t answer. He gets us back to the cabin and carefully lays me on the bed. My ankle is throbbing and burning. I’m not unaccustomed to pain but it sucks to feel it when you’re horny. And I still fucking am!
    Damon puts a folded blanket under my foot to elevate it and goes to rummage through the cabinet. He comes back with some plant in his hands which he proceeds to carefully place over my ankle.
    “What’s that?” I ask bemused.
    “I don’t have ice for the swelling so I use herbs.”
    My eyebrows fly up at that. “You know what herbs to use?”
    A small smile tugs at one corner of his lips. “I came prepared out here, Cassandra.”
    “So I see,” I say in awe.
    I watch him as he sits on the edge of the bed and treats my injury with care. He finally puts back the splint and cloths. “This will help you keep it securely in place. You need to rest it a lot so I’m afraid you will have to wait before going back to civilization.”
    I give him a wry smile. “Kinda figured that out myself.”
    He frowns. “I can carry you if you’re in a hurry. We’ll go slower but—”
    “No. I’m not. I mean… I don’t want you to carry me. And being a few more days out here won’t change anything. My friends will be worried sick for sure but I think they’ll be more worried if I don’t make it back because I’ll get eaten by a pack of wolves for going to slow.”
    He nods once and then looks back at my ankle with the same frown.
    “I’m sorry you have to withstand my ass for a few more days.”
    He looks up at me and sighs. “Cassandra, I…” He shakes his head. “I liked the company, okay? It was nice after so long to have someone to talk to.”
    I purse my lips. “Well, you weren’t exactly talking these past days.”
    He chuckles. “Yeah, well… I still am a little rusty.”
    “You can call me Cassie, you know.”
    “I know my name is big and silly so…”
    He looks at me thoughtfully. “I like Cassandra. It suits you more. Unless you don’t like hearing it?”
    Oh, I like hearing it from him. Anyone else other than clients I would have slapped but not him. And that’s seriously messed up. “No, I don’t mind.”
    He nods.
    “What do you mean it suits me more?”
    He shrugs. “Cassandra is more serious than Cassie. More complicated. More… I don’t know. When I say the name Cassie I’m picturing a little girl with pigtails and riding a pony, not a woman who would fly across the country to find someone. No offense.”
    “None taken,” I laugh. “But you got it all wrong. I’m not usually doing this. I mean, I would if I was asked to but this is my first case that doesn’t involve taking pictures of drug deals or cheating spouses.”
    He winces dramatically. “That sounds…”
    “Boring?” I offer. “Disturbing? Annoying? Take your pick.”
    He chuckles. “I think I’ll let you do that.”
    I smile and study him for a long moment. His jawline is visible now, as is his chin and they are both as perfect as in his picture but it’s not those features that have my attention. His eyes are sparkling with mirth and it’s the best look on him. Or second best after seeing him jack off but I’m not even going to go there. It

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