The Earl's Revenge

Free The Earl's Revenge by Allison Lane

Book: The Earl's Revenge by Allison Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison Lane
Tags: Regency Romance
little boy when she thought no one was looking. And yesterday she kicked the vicar’s cat.”
    And what could he say to that? For a child of barely six years, Helen was a very astute observer. He frowned as they entered the stable. Though in reasonable condition, he could see deficiencies. As with the grounds, there was neglect. It was long past time that he visited here.
    “I wish I could ride,” continued a wistful Helen, interrupting his thoughts. “It would be ever so much more fun than walking. But Nana said I must wait until I am older and we return to Westron.”
    Mark remained silent, but inwardly he seethed. He must find her a governess. And he must revisit Yorkshire. The steward could not have been properly supervising her upbringing. Was he also neglecting his estate duties? Nelson was right, devil take him. Even the best employees turned lazy if they were not adequately managed.

Chapter Five
    Elaine frowned at the parchment pinned to the drawing board on her easel. Her hand hesitated a moment before adding two lines and broadening a third. Finally, she smiled and laid down her pen. Only then did she realize that Anne was standing in the doorway.
    “What do you think?” she asked.
    “Exquisite. Your skill improves every day.”
    Slipping the drawing into a folio with a dozen others, Elaine stretched. “Have you been back long? I did not hear you come in.”
    “No more than five minutes, but it is nearly time for dinner.” She hesitated, but there was no point in putting off the news. “Lord Bridgeport arrived at the Manor this afternoon.”
    Elaine paled. “I have feared a visit ever since I learned that he owned it. It would seem that my luck is on the turn again.” She paused to frown. “Or perhaps not. What would he gain from pestering me?”
    “It must at least be embarrassing to meet him again.”
    “For whom?” she exclaimed. “Certainly not for me. I only met the man six times in my life.”
    “What?” Anne countered in amazement. “But you were betrothed to him!”
    “You know it was an arranged match. I did not even learn of it until after everything was settled. He was cold, arrogant, and contemptuous, interested only in getting an heir, and he thought me a boring child unworthy of his notice. He only accompanied me to my first ball out of duty. After that he stood up with me if we happened to be at the same function – which rarely occurred, for even then he eschewed the marriage mart rounds. That certainly hasn’t changed if one can believe the gossip columns.”
    “You shock me!” replied Anne. “He offered for you yet paid you not the least attention?”
    “Why did you think I cried off? Not because I deplore society – though I will never fit in, so that played a role. It was because he would never have lifted a finger to support me against his mother’s tyranny. With my aunt so infirm, I was spending much of my time with Lady Bridgeport, and it was obvious that we would never agree on anything, yet he would have left me in her keeping.” She shrugged.
    “Why have you said nothing of this before?”
    “Why should I? It was over.”
    “The tale is bound to come out,” insisted Anne.
    “Fustian! No one has connected me with him before, and he can hardly wish to publicize my identity. What man would remind the world that he has been jilted? Such a disclosure would be ungentlemanly. Despite everything, he has never been less than honorable.”
    “I cannot believe that he is honorable,” protested Anne. “By your own words, I know him to be a rake, a gamester, and a man who scorns to even go through the motions of respecting his betrothed. I heard more than the fact of his arrival. Mrs. Hedges claims that he is rusticating because he killed a man.”
    “Absurd!” scoffed Elaine. “Where would even a Nosy Parker like Mrs. Hedges hear such a thing? I can just see it. An earl kills a man, escapes to rusticate in the country, then announces his dilemma to all

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