The Neighbor #4 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #4)

Free The Neighbor #4 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #4) by Claire Adams

Book: The Neighbor #4 (The Neighbor Romance Series - Book #4) by Claire Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Adams
    “That is correct. Whether he or
she is your student or not.” Dean Meadows folded his hands.
    Ryder repositioned himself in his chair. A smile
began to form. It was unlike any other I had seen.
    “I plan to take my clean record and my stellar
reputation as an excellent educator and quit. I think
my skills will be better served on the golf course. I have wanted to say this
for a very long time—take this job and shove it.”
    The dean and I were speechless. I was astounded at the words that came out of Ryder’s mouth and I hoped he wasn’t
running off some high. The good news of the previous day may have clouded his
judgment. It sure was sexy seeing him stand up to authority. It was straight
out of the movies. I didn’t know how to react and I decided to hold back my
impulse to drop out.
    “I don’t think you have made a prudent choice, Mr.
Curran, but I wish you luck.” Dean Meadows’ hands were shaking. “You can make
an appointment with human resources to finalize your separation. And you can
contact administration Jenna. I assume you will be returning to South
    “I will weigh my options.” I smiled.
    Ryder and I walked out of the office. Neither of us
said a word. The smile on Ryder’s face said everything. We walked down the
steps of Pratt Hall and Ryder grasped my hand.
    “Let them read my fucking body language now.” Ryder
kissed me passionately on the mouth. “I don’t know what just happened in there,
Jenna, but it feels right. I have a second chance at life and I’m going to make
it count. I just can’t tolerate being told how to lead
my life. Life is too short to waste any more time. What are you doing tonight?”
    “I think I’m hanging out with my next door
    “Damn right you are. No movies tonight. We have had
enough drama in our own lives.”
    “Let’s start on the sequel.”
    Ryder sat down on a bench.
    “Are you tired, Ryder? What’s up?” I asked.
    “I just have to get this stupid divot replacer out
of my shoe. I had it in here for good luck. I think it worked.” Ryder smiled.
    “I still can’t believe you quit your job. You’re
definitely moving now, aren’t you?”
    “No, I’m not.”
    “But how will you pay for everything?”
    “I sold a business, Jenna. All that stuff about
child support and my mortgage was lies. I was upset because I enjoy teaching,
but I realized I could be a golf instructor.”
    “You’re rich. That explains a lot.”
    “I guess…but I’ll see you tonight, okay? I’m going
to stop by my office and pick up my shit. Drive safe.” Ryder kissed me.
    I floated back to my car to find Max leaning against
my vehicle.
    “What the hell are you doing here?”
    “I called your mom and she told me where you’d be.
How’d things go with the Mean Dean?” Max asked with a smile.
    “I’m no longer expelled and Ryder got his job
back—but he quit. You don’t look surprised, Max. Did you have something to do
with this? What, Max? What the hell did you have to do with this? You can’t
keep a secret from me of all people.” I punched Max on the arm.
    “Ouch. That hurt. I let the dean know that the three
bitches from class were a bunch of cackling jealous hens. Valerie couldn’t have
me and she knew we were close friends. She thought she would get to me by
hurting you. I also told the board that there was nothing salacious going on
between you and Ryder. As your BFF, hope Sayler doesn’t mind sharing the title,
I would know. Kelly and I felt compelled to do something.”
    “Wow, you can share the title of BFF with Sayler. I
can’t believe you did that for me. I will have to give a big thanks to Kelly.
Wait a minute—since when have you and Kelly become friends? Max, am I missing
something here?” I asked.
    “Duh, you have been so busy with lover boy that you
haven’t even noticed that Kelly from Kansas and I have been hooking up. We are
both applying to the foreign exchange program. It worked out great.

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