The Holloways (Made for Love Book 3.5)

Free The Holloways (Made for Love Book 3.5) by R.C. Martin

Book: The Holloways (Made for Love Book 3.5) by R.C. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.C. Martin
Tags: A Made for Love novella
it unsatisfying is insultingly understated.
    Yet, Logan somehow seems… different.
    “Now, to address the elephant in the room—my nephew,” Eddalyn says, interrupting my thoughts. I force a smile, looking in her direction. “As I am sure you are all aware, our client list has grown a significant amount over the past year. Judah, our newest managing partner, has been working with me on a plan of expansion for Eddalyn’s Interior.
    “For the past few months, we have been working diligently to fill our Denver office with the appropriate senior staff so that Judah could relocate. I believe that his expertise is needed here. He will be stepping into the role of managing director, taking on our more demanding clients whilst serving as an extraordinary resource and offering exceptional guidance to all of you. So, as we adjourn, let’s everyone welcome Judah as a more permanent fixture to our team.”
    The room fills with the claps of the seven employees that make up the office and I nod as I stand to my feet. “Your applause is certainly not necessary,” I assure them. “I look forward to working with all of you and to establishing a new home base.”
    “Alright, shoo-shoo, we’ve run a bit over,” says Eddalyn with a kind smile. In spite of her lighthearted temperament, they are all quick to comply. Their response is neither surprising nor unwarranted. I know exactly how they feel. Aunt Eddalyn has always had a way of getting exactly what she wants without being a complete bitch. It is a gift, I’m convinced.
    “Oh, Logan—please stay behind. Judah and I have something we’d like to discuss with you.”
    I don’t hesitate to take advantage of the excuse to look her way. As Logan slowly descents back into her seat, the apprehension on her face makes me smirk.
    I see that some things haven’t changed. At times, her lack of confidence is a paradox.
    “Um, what’s this about?”
    “A promotion,” Eddalyn replies with a knowing smile. “You’ve been a junior associate here for almost two years now. Quite frankly, this matter of business is long overdue; however, the way this office is staffed, it was hard to move you. Now, of course, in our efforts to expand, we’re extending our first promotion to you. This means that you will be taking a leading role on more projects, so be prepared, alright?”
    “Yes! Yes, of course,” she beams, nodding her head enthusiastically. “Thank you—thank you so much! ”
    “You’ve earned it, dear. I’ll have the paperwork with the details drawn up before the day is through. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a lunch with a client I must rush off to. Congratulations, Logan.”
    I watch Logan as she watches Eddalyn leave the conference room. She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, fighting a grin, and my dick twitches as I imagine what it would be like to have that lip pulled between my teeth. I clear my throat, pushing my thoughts to the back of my head, and Logan looks at me, her startled gaze implying that she forgot she wasn’t alone.
    “Uh, thanks, again,” she murmurs as she stands, heading for the door.
    “Wait, Logan—” I call out, rushing to meet her just outside of the room. “I’ll take you to lunch.”
    She hugs her legal pad, filled with the notes she scribbled down during the meeting, eyeing me cautiously. “And if I said no thank you?”
    “I would insist,” I answer with a lopsided smile. “It’s never too early for champagne.”
    Her mouth falls open and I fight the urge to reach out and run my thumb across her full lips. She is most definitely a woman that deserves to be touched, appreciated, explored…
    “Hold on a second. What just happened?” she begins to say, pointing toward the room we just vacated. “Was that your idea or Edda’s?”
    I tuck my hands into the pockets of my pants and shrug. “I fail to see the significance of the answer.”
    “Right,” she mutters. “So, are you telling me this has nothing to do

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