The Inner Circle (Return of the Ancients Book 3)
“I’m involved whether I want to be or not. And I’ve got to find a way to get rid of that thing before it slips past you guys and eats me.”
    He shot me a cunning look as we pulled up to the back of the coffee shop.
    Stretching, he gave a loud, obnoxious yawn.
    But I cut him short.
    Swallowing hard, I pointed to the rooftops. I could still make them out, even in the light of day: bright glowing eyes.
    “They’re still here,” I said. “The Mesmers.”

Chapter Five – A Secret Weapon
    To my surprise, Jareth got out of the car and shouted, “Enough of these games! If you wish to speak, then come. But I’ll only do this once.”
    Immediately, one of the Mesmers broke away to slink down the brick wall, head first.
    It was Blondie.
    He jumped onto the hood of the car. I could hear his nails and spikes scratching the metal. It sounded like someone dragging their fingernails over a chalkboard.
    I winced.
    “You have the blood of kings. You walk in the bodies of our past,” Blondie addressed Jareth. “How is this so?”
    “I don’t have a clue,” Jareth replied, fixing his mouth into an arrogant sneer. “Are we done?”
    “Yet you carry the light of the Fae and dream as a human,” Blondie continued in a deep, guttural tone. “We have seen your dreams in our homelands.”
    Jareth’s nostrils flared in contempt as he smacked his hands together in a single loud clap. “I’m done here. Nice talking to you, but it won’t be happening again.”
    As he spun on his heel, Blondie leapt.
    I don’t know why I did it. After all, Jareth hardly needed my protection. But I bolted out of the car and ran around to stand in front of him.
    Blondie was crouched on the car roof, looking ready to attack.
    “Go away!” I ordered him fiercely even as I felt the cold fingers of fear closing in on me. Jamming my fingers into my sweatshirt pocket, I clenched Jareth’s protection rune tightly in my fingers. The stone was almost too hot to touch, but I didn’t exactly care about that right now.
    Blondie tilted his head sideways and regarded me with beady eyes.
    One look and I began to panic. Recalling how I’d broken away from him before by filling myself with thoughts of love, I desperately summoned those thoughts.
    “You do not know what true love is, foolish human.” The Mesmer’s lips peeled back in an unholy grin. “You never will.”
    “Enough,” Jareth interrupted, shoving me aside. “I’ll not let you harm her.”
    “Humans are so easy to distract.” Blondie gave an evil cackle. “So biddable to suggestion.”
    “Be gone,” Jareth thundered. “And do not bother Sydney again.”
    Blondie didn’t appear too intimidated, though he did inch back a little. “Is your existence here enough for you, Jareth? Is it enough to simply see the human tulpas without tasting them?” His tongue flicked out like a lizard.
    “I’ve no desire for such things,” Jareth replied angrily.
    Blondie’s voice dropped into a low rumble of a laugh. “You are putting up a valiant fight. But there is no avoiding it. You will join us in the end. You are on the path already.”
    “I’ll listen no more.” Jareth spat the words with such contempt that I thought Blondie just might attack him in retaliation.
    Somehow, Blondie was pushed off the car, as if by unseen hands.
    He rolled down the hood, making banging and scratching noises, but right before he hit the pavement, he flipped to land on his feet.
    “Well done, lizardling.” Blondie laughed in evil delight. “Accept your powers, use them and never forget that you are one of us!” His deep voice carried clearly on the wind.
    My mouth dropped open at the implication. Could Jareth really move something with just his thoughts?
    Unbidden, the memory of Halloween flashed through my mind. It seemed so long ago; I’d just met him then. He’d been angry and had seemingly made scissors flow through the air and embed themselves into the carpet.
    “I will no longer hear your

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