Bought by a Millionaire

Free Bought by a Millionaire by Heidi Betts

Book: Bought by a Millionaire by Heidi Betts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heidi Betts
impact on their surroundings.
    Unlike her apartment, where every nook, cranny and free space was filled with some little trinket or piece of decoration she’d either picked out or designed herself.
    But the view was amazing. Wide, nearly floor-to-ceiling windows ran the length of the main living area, looking out over Lake Michigan. City lights twinkled in the darkness like a star-filled sky, and moonlight glinted off the huge black surface of the water.
    â€œI’m pretty independent myself,” Burke continued. He carried her down the single step into the sitting area, behind a long, L-shaped leather sofa and to a closed door on one side of a short hallway.
    â€œI also have a very strong sense of responsibility, and for the next seven months or so, I consider you a very high priority.”
    Bending at the knees, he freed one hand from the blankets surrounding her to twist the knob and push the door open. “So try to relax and let me take care of you, will you, please? It will do my ego a world of good.”
    â€œI don’t think your ego needs any further stimulation,” she deadpanned as Burke carried her into a neat, well-arranged bedroom.
    He chuckled. “You’re probably right. But humor me for a while, okay?” Stopping beside the bed, he grabbed the edge of the white eyelet comforter and folded it back. Then he peeled away the layers of the mismatched blankets from her much smaller bed at home, laid her down on the soft, thick mattress, and tucked her up to her chin against the pillows.
    He retreated a step, hands on hips as he studied her. “Now, what do you need?”
    She shook her head. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
    â€œWell, we both know that’s not true. And I have the release papers from the hospital to prove it. Besides, you’re in a strange room, in a strange apartment, with none of your own things to make you feel comfortable.”
    Shrugging out of his long coat and suit jacket, he draped them over one forearm and started to loosen his tie. “It won’t be for long, though. I asked someone to bring your things over here after the door is fixed and your apartment secured.”
    Shannon swallowed, trying to comprehend exactly what that meant. Did he expect her to move in here, or would he have her belongings carted all the way over only to have them carted back in a day or two when she was feeling better?
    â€œThat’s not necessary,” she managed, licking dry lips that had nothing to do with her sore throat or cold symptoms.
    â€œOf course it is. I want you to feel at home while you’re here.”
    A flash of panic stole across her skin and caused her heart to pound, even though she wasn’t exactly sure why. It wasn’t as if Burke were threatening to hold her hostage. He’d come to her aid today when she’d been too sick to care for herself. He’d been nothing but attentive and kind. And she was carrying his child; she’d invited him into her life the minute she agreed to become a surrogate for him.
    But she had an apartment. She had a job, and a life, and classes to attend. As soon as she got rid of this cold, she’d be back to all of them, and she didn’t think it would be smart to be living in Burke’s penthouse at the same time.
    She didn’t think it was smart to be living in Burke’s penthouse at any time. The idea made her uncomfortable just lying in his guest room.
    They were doing nothing more than having a simple, innocent conversation, yet her eyes strayed to the play of muscles rippling beneath his crisp, white dress shirt. To his strong forearms with their sprinkling of dark hair, visible now that he’d rolled his cuffs to the elbows.
    Could she sleep under the same roof and actually expect to get a moment’s rest? She would toss and turn all night, imagining him in his own bed.
    Wearing a pair of boxer shorts—or worse, nothing at all—he’d be

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