Guardian of My Soul

Free Guardian of My Soul by Elizabeth Lapthorne

Book: Guardian of My Soul by Elizabeth Lapthorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne
pushed him over the brink. Kyle’s eyes
fluttered shut as with a hoarse cry he came. His balls felt as though they
detonated, hot seed gushing out of his tip, pouring into her deepest parts.
Urgently he thrust into her pussy, his cum shooting over and over into her as
he filled her.
    Kyle felt his magic also crackle out of him, bathing Sally
as hers had done seconds ago to him. He didn’t need to ask her to know whether
she saw every inch of him. He knew.
    They shared themselves more intimately than was possible for
humans to comprehend. Kyle continued to penetrate his lover until he emptied
himself of everything he had, body, mind and soul.
    Exhausted, he once again collapsed to the side, his cock
sliding partially out of Sally as he fell onto the mattress. Panting for
breath, they both sucked air into their lungs until speech was one more
    “If we keep this up I’ll be dead within the year,” Kyle
joked with a proud smile. Sally chuckled and traced the edges of his jaw. He
smiled tenderly at her, drinking in every expression that crossed her face.
They stared in silence at each other for a minute until he sobered.
    Brushing her bangs from her eyes, Kyle tried to not appear
too overprotective as he worded himself carefully.
    “Is this case putting too much pressure on you?” he asked,
his concern genuine. “If the memories are coming back too strongly, if it’s too
much for you I need you to be honest with me. I can continue it alone, or we
can hand it off to someone else all together. We owe Hayden and he’s a good
friend, but nothing is more important to me than your peace of mind. If the
nightmares are coming back we can ditch this.”
    Sally grinned weakly at him but shook her head firmly.
    “The nightmares are never far away,” she replied. Kyle’s
first instinct was to immediately insist they drop the case there and then, but
he realized only a second later that she was being brutally honest with him,
not complaining.
    “I think we’ve been offered this as a sort of atonement for
me,” she continued hesitantly, her eyes showing uncertainty. “This is where I
could have ended up, had you not come for me. I need to see this through. A few
nightmares aren’t going to dissuade me.”
    “You never would have ended up like this traitor,” Kyle
insisted fiercely, his voice hard with the strength of his conviction. “You
were already on your way back, you chose to return, not wallow in the darkness
and give in to temptation. You’ve paid enough for your youthful misjudgment,
Sally, you don’t need to harm yourself proving something.”
    “How can you be so forgiving?” Sally asked. She seemed
caught somewhere between wonder and exasperation. “You know what I did, what I
became. Hell, you’ve seen my soul not five minutes ago. You’ve experienced the darkness within me. I’m no saint. I knowingly and willingly walked the path
I chose. I still fight the temptation daily to go back down that track. If you
hadn’t come for me I very well might be dead or worse right now.”
    “Don’t talk like that!” Kyle snapped ferociously.
    Few things could prick his temper, but the very thought of
Sally hurt, broken, dead or beyond his reach could ignite him quicker than
anything else. He linked his fingers through hers and pulled her tightly
against his body, their naked flesh fused together.
    “I don’t ever want to hear you speak of such things again,
Sal, I mean it. I hate it when you’re so hard on yourself. You have to stop
beating yourself up for something that is so far back in the past it’s ancient
history. Do you really want to know what I saw when I looked into your soul
just now?”
    Kyle pulled his head back a few inches so they could stare
again into each other’s eyes. He caught her gaze and held it, fiercely watching
her so she could never doubt the sincerity of his every word.
    “Yes, I saw darkness, but it was surrounded by light,” he
insited. “Your soul is not the bleak

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