How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!)

Free How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter

Book: How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
tripped, she faltered and he caught her closer. Oh, my goodness! She
wanted to grab onto the moment and press it between the pages of her mind.
“Could you do that again?”
He chuckled. “Once was enough.” Who was he kidding? Once, with her, would never
be enough. And that was why Heath knew he needed to keep his distance. “How do
you know what the beat is?” he asked, needing to change the subject, but not
willing to turn her loose, not just yet. The music had stopped playing, but he
kept swaying back and forth.
laughed. “I can sense the vibrations. Like now, there aren’t any. The band has
stopped playing, but we’re still moving.”
right, smart-ass.” He grinned at her.
She conceded with a mischievous grin. “A woman has to have some method of
defense against such a fine specimen of manhood as yourself.”
think you’re dangerous, is what I think.” He looked over her shoulder and down
at her shapely derriere.
thought Heath was a handful. A delicious handful. “So, do you forgive me for
throwing punch in your face?”
appeared to consider his reply. “I think I can bring myself to forgive you for
cup one, but I don’t know about the second cup. That appeared to be deliberate
and premeditated.”
you can’t hold me responsible for the second cup. That was an accident. I was
way-laid by three little girls playing chase with boys. Besides, you called me
a wall-eyed owl, insulted me unnecessarily and got my dander up.” Cato felt the
music start, the pulse softer and slower. In response, she nestled closer. “We
should be slow-dancing, hold me tighter.”
a bossy little thing, aren’t you?” He inspected her smooth shoulders. “I don’t see
any dander by the way.”
I washed my hair,” she said close to his mouth, still keeping an eye on those
firm masculine lips. After all, she had to know what he was saying. “You just
had a shower, didn’t you?”
a long, hot one.”
way he said the words made her have some seriously lascivious thoughts, so she
took a moment to study him. “I bet you have a long, hot one all right.”
    “ Shhh , not so loud, people can hear you.” Heath snorted,
closing her mouth with another kiss.
put an arm around his neck, trying to make the delicious kiss go on and on.
“More,” she pleaded.
a good idea.” He pulled back.
Cato kneaded his shoulders, loving the way it felt to touch him. The man was
seriously good looking. Well over six feet, six-feet-four if he was an inch,
two hundred forty or so pounds, a sculpted body, high cheekbones—yep, she could
make a meal of this man.
she go for it? Heck, what did she have to lose? Here she was in Texas and he
was in Texas, might as well take advantage of the opportunity.
He struggled to find the right words. “I’m not the settling down type and I
assume you are.”
ran her tongue over her lips. Dang, he was warning her off. She was going to
miss her chance. Time to take a chance. “You know what they say about people
who assume.”
was mesmerized by her little pink tongue. “Yea, I’ve heard that before, ‘you
make an ass out of you and me both’.” Heath took his thumb and caressed her
plump lower lip longingly.
right, so don’t be an ass.” She stood on tiptoe and placed another soft kiss on
his cheek.         
he moaned. Despite his better judgment, this woman was getting to him. It had
been way too long since the last time he’d had sex. And Heath loved a woman’s
body—the curves, the softness, full tits, a tender wet pussy. It was like
having an all-season pass to an amusement park. He wanted to touch, kiss and
ride all the rides. Right now, he wished he could lay her down and rub his
hands all over her silky skin. The notion had him hard as Texas granite.
he couldn’t. “So, your name’s

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