A Change of Heart (The Heartfelt Series)

Free A Change of Heart (The Heartfelt Series) by Adrienne Vaughan

Book: A Change of Heart (The Heartfelt Series) by Adrienne Vaughan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Vaughan
after that, hungry for success, joined a rock band, returning two years later to find his grandmother dead and the brothers estranged.
    Looking back at the babies and the little bundle of white fur, he squeezed Marianne’s knee.
    “It’ll be alright,” she said, sensing his mood of foreboding, Ryan was not looking forward to the trip.
    “You’re right, I need to eyeball Franco and talk it through with him, face-to-face. Larry’s a drama queen, we know that, but Lena’s level-headed and she seemed, not stressed exactly, but more, well fearful,” Ryan told her.
    They picked up the signs for the airport; only a few miles to go and they would be parted again. A sense of sadness hung between them.
    “There’s a lot at stake. See what he has to say, take it all on board. We can discuss it, chew it over, make the best decision we can, what more can we do?” she said as they turned into the car park.
    Sensing they had reached their destination, Monty awoke and placed his paws on the console between the driver and passenger seats. Ryan took him in his arms and cradled him against his jacket, nuzzling the dog’s wet snout.
    “You take care of the family while I’m away little man,” he told him. The sharp dark eyes stared back into Ryan’s. Monty knew what his job entailed; he wanted Ryan assured of that.
    Realising Monty, their comfort blanket had moved, the two toddlers started to stir.
    “Shall you just drop me off? No need to disturb Joey and Bridget, do you think?” he asked her.
    “Airports and goodbyes are likely to be a big part of their lives, the sooner they accept that the better,” she said, matter-of-factly.
    “But we don’t want them upset,” Ryan offered.
    “That’s why they have to get used to it. Then they’ll know when and what to get upset about,” she smiled, trying to ease his concern, “they’ll soon love airports as much as I do. They mean someone is going on an adventure or someone’s coming home. Who doesn’t love an airport?”
    He laughed and leaned across to kiss her.
    “You’re so Love Actually sometimes,” he said, referring to her favourite film.
    “All the time,” she grinned.
    They arranged the children in their new double buggy, clipping Monty’s lead onto the frame, as Ryan slung his bag over his shoulder, taking charge of the steering. Bridget was wide awake and gurgling at Joey, explaining the sights and sounds all around them. Joey sat, white-faced, looking from one adult to the other. Marianne, sensing his anxiety, took him up in her arms and Monty promptly jumped into the spot beside Bridget, who carried on her conversation regardless. Ryan and Marianne laughed. Ryan covered Monty up with a rug as they trundled through the entrance, ignoring the No Dogs Except Guide Dogs sign.
    “You’re nearly boarding,” Marianne said, pointing at the screen. The next flight to Shannon boarded in five minutes, ahead of an arrival from Dublin.
    “I won’t be gone long,” he assured her.
    “You need as long as it takes,” she replied, unnecessarily fixing the collar of his jacket with her spare hand. He touched the necklace at her throat, the exquisite weathervane, studded with diamonds he had commissioned for her, to remind her that wherever he was in the world, she was his world and he would be coming back to her.
    “Love you,” he said, slate-blue eyes glinting. The doors slid open. A tall, fair-haired man led a small conga of passengers out into the main hall.
    “Well, look at that! Ryan O’Gorman and Marianne, all the gang come to meet me. Hello, hello.” Arms flung wide, Ryan and Marianne looked up into the beaming face of Dermot Finnegan.
    “Sure I was all loaded up and heading across country when the car gave up the ghost. I’ve fair battered it over the past few months to be honest, so when the recovery man towed it away, I grabbed what I could carry and headed to the nearest airfield. One of my buddies on the force keeps a couple of light aircraft.

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