Bearing the Frostbite (Ice Bear Shifters Book 6)
in amusement and fully aware of what he was about to do, James let out a loud roar. A whoosh of powerful energy shot across the meadow, pushing Alexis backward a bit but not knocking her over. She had been prepared for the blast.
    James skin turned into the thick white fur of a polar bear, and his hands and feet became paws. His head changed into the giant head of a large bear, and he swung it back and forth to work out the kinks, the same way he did every time he shifted. Then, he took off running. He stretched his legs and raced across the meadow, enjoying the feeling of the cool earth beneath his paws. From behind him, he heard Alexis’ laugh ringing across the meadow. The sound spurred him on even more, and he roared as he sprinted forward. He loved the feeling of the cool air filling his lungs, and the blood pumping through his body. He must have gone a mile before he turned around, huffed for a moment, and then started running back. He could see Alexis in the distance, a little speck on the horizon waiting for him to finish his romp. He let out another joyful roar, and then started running back toward her.
    When he reached her, he stopped for a moment to catch his breath, panting and happy. Then he nuzzled her hand with his cold, wet bear nose, and she stroked the fur on top of his head.
    “Have fun?” she asked.
    James let out a happy huff, and then backed away from her several feet before shifting back into human form with a large rush of power.
    “Tons of fun,” he said, as he quickly began putting his clothes back on. The temperature had dropped even further, and without his fur he quickly began shivering. “I love letting my bear run free. For a long time, it was the only thing that made me happy. Now, I have you. You make me happier than anything.”
    James leaned over and gave Alexis a quick kiss. She shoved him playfully.
    “Sweet talker,” she said.
    James just smiled and shrugged. “It’s true,” he said.
    They started walking back toward the forest, and right before they left the meadow, James turned to point at the view behind them.
    “This is incredible,” he said. “Nothing can beat the feeling of awe that standing near a giant mountain gives you. Add in the fall foliage, and it’s simply breathtaking.”
    Alexis turned to look with him, and nodded her head in agreement. “It’s magnificent,” she said.
    “So are you,” James said, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.
    “There you go, sweet-talking again,” she said, giving him a playful smile.
    James smiled back at her, and slid his backpack off his shoulders. “Well, now that I’ve got you all buttered up, there’s something I want to ask you.”
    “Oh?” Alexis said, looking at him curiously.
    “I’ve waited all week to ask this, because I’m so nervous what your response will be. But I told myself I would ask you before the vacation was over. Since this is our last day, it looks like I’m running out of time.”
    Alexis waited patiently, saying nothing while James took a deep breath before continuing.
    “Look, I know you’ve been really worried about where to move when the lease on the townhome is up. And I think I have a really good solution. Why don’t you move in with me, to my cabin? I know you haven’t even seen the place yet, since you’ve been so wrapped up in taking care of your grandmother’s affairs. It’s a really nice, cozy home, I promise. And you’ll be near my clan. Once you meet them, you’ll see how awesome it would be to be able to spend time near them. They’re all amazing individuals, and it’s especially nice being near the cubs. They bring so much joy and laughter to my life. I know you’ve been feeling alone since your grandma passed away, but you don’t have to feel that way. You have a whole family of people just waiting to meet you. They’re going to love you, I know it.”
    Alexis shivered as a gust of wind passed over the meadow. “I don’t know, James. It just seems like a big

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