Walker's Run

Free Walker's Run by Mel Favreaux

Book: Walker's Run by Mel Favreaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mel Favreaux
“Your brother said your wolf ‘has chosen its mate.’ What did he mean?”
    A gentle smile came to Braedyn’s lips. “I haven’t taken a mate. So the pack has been restless, trying to find me one for the last twenty years. It’s not common for an Alpha to go so long without one.” He shrugged, the blush deepening in his cheeks. “My wolf chose you a long time ago, Casey.”
    Her breath caught when he pulled her to him. “And what about the human part of you?”
    He grinned. “I think he did, too.”
    She felt comfort in his arms, but it did nothing to appease her fear. Her hands trembled and she looked away from him.
    “You don’t know me.” His tone was gentle. “I understand that, but the wolves in us have already made their choice. It’s up to us whether or not to follow them.”
    “So...last night doesn’t mean we are...a mated pair?” The wording sounded so foreign coming off her tongue. The difference between man and animals.
    He gave a gentle laugh and shook his head. “No. You’ve not gone through your transformation, and you’ve not made up your mind. A mated pair of wolves is much like a marriage between a man and woman. It’s a lifelong commitment. Wolves mate for life as most humans do. This is a decision you have to make. Then there is whether or not the fates have chosen us to be life mates.”
    She couldn’t avoid the smirk that lifted the edge of her mouth. “Is this supposed to be a marriage proposal? Because I feel kind of slighted.”
    Braedyn laughed and stroked her cheek. “Not yet.”
    Shaking her head, Casey took a deep breath and looked up at him. “I have so many questions.”
    “It’s best to wait. What you need to learn first is how to communicate with your wolf. Her intuition and wisdom will never lead you astray. You can draw upon her strength and courage in your human form. The most difficult thing you’ll find is struggling to keep her at bay once she’s riled. The wolf is easily provoked. Jealousy and anger are the hardest to control. And we are incredibly possessive, especially those who are dominant.”
    “Will I be an alpha?”
    He pursed his lips a moment. “If we chose to become a couple, you will draw some of my alpha powers of control. We just need to find out if your wolf is dominant or submissive.”
    “Would that be indicative of what I am in my human life?”
    Narrowing his eyes he gave a gentle shake of his head. “Not always. The wolves are different from us in some ways.” He blew out a breath and looked at her, his wolf urging him to speak on his behalf. “I can’t force you to make a decision, Casey. It’s yours alone to make. I don’t know what kind of life you have out there, and I’m not asking you to give up anything to stay with me. But whether or not you decide to follow your wolf, you’re life will be changed forever after tonight.”
    “I don’t even live around here anymore, Braedyn. I have a career. I’m a photographer in Hollywood. I live in L.A.” She frowned and looked away from him, even as a voice whispered that she’d already made up her mind.
    A muscle in his cheek twitched. “You don’t enjoy it. I can tell. That’s why you’re here now. To gather your thoughts about whether or not to go back.”
    She pulled away from him, torn with her emotions. This isn’t what she’d come here to find, not a relationship. The wolf seemed outraged that she’d pull away. Casey didn’t like feeling that she wasn’t in control of her own emotions. Tears came to her eyes. Her fists clenched, angry at this show of weakness. The rage that boiled inside caused her to stagger.
    Casey found herself growling as she went down on her knees. A low rumble rose up from her diaphragm, a sound she’d never made before. Jamming her hands deep into the snow, she hoped the bitter cold would melt away the rage. Picking up a handful of it, she rubbed it against her cheeks and around the back of her neck. Her teeth chattered, her body

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