Made by Us: Giselle and Liam's Story (The Made Series Book 3)

Free Made by Us: Giselle and Liam's Story (The Made Series Book 3) by Candace Nicole Werts

Book: Made by Us: Giselle and Liam's Story (The Made Series Book 3) by Candace Nicole Werts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Nicole Werts
pants with yellow stripes that match my running tee. Marcia’s wearing tight hot pink leggings and a yellow and white cutoff shirt.
                  “I’m so glad you decided to come. K-Dub’s tough but you’ll feel and look refreshed afterwards.”
        “Today, I feel like punching and kicking someone. I hope this class helps.”
                  “What happened?”
                  I tell her about my encounter with Liam and the harsh things he said.
                  “What an ass.”
                  “He’s upset.”
                  Raising her voice, Marcia states, “It doesn’t matter! He knows better. Don’t you dare make excuses for him!”
                  “I’m not. I knew things would change, but never expected him to behave like this.”
                  Marcia gives me a hug. “We all make mistakes, but as long as we’re alive they can be fixed.” She looks across the room and grabs my hand. “Come on, class is about to start.”
                  Marcia gives a nod in K-Dubs direction and he partially shakes his head. I look around and notice the classroom’s full of women. We take our spots in the back of the room and await further instructions. K-Dub gets on the intercom and announces he usually doesn’t teach this type of class but was asked to try something new.
                  “Ladies, welcome to Piloxing! A workout guaranteed to tone your muscles, strengthen your core, and have you walking out of here feeling brand new. We’ll get started with the high intensity boxing portion. Everyone grab your weighted gloves located to your right and let’s begin.”
                  Once we put on the weighted gloves we start doing air punches in the beginning while making sure our core’s tightened each time our hands extend out. We continue this motion as a warm up exercise before he picks up the pace on us. Soon we’re all jabbing as we walk to the front of the class where he stands barking orders. I can feel the sweat dripping off me and we’re only fifteen minutes in.
                  He changes from boxing to Pilates after I feel like I can’t go anymore, we unroll our mats to begin the final section of class before cool down. We change positions regularly throughout the 5thirty minutes that we’re on the ground. K-Dub walks around the class making sure all of us are doing the position correctly to avoid possible injuries. When he gets to where Marcia and I are, he gives us a two thumbs up. There are multiple ladies he has to assist, primarily the ones who start the gym just to find a man.
    It’s time for us to cool down and stretch out our muscles for five minutes before being dismissed. The Pilates have improved my mood, leaving me feeling powerful and strong.  
                  When class is over we take quick showers and head to Chili’s. I’m starving and order tableside guacamole as an appetizer and parmesan crusted tilapia as my entree and Marcia gets a Caesar salad and crispy chicken tacos.
                  “I’m going to stay the night with you.”
                  “Marcia, you don’t need to do that. Go home and be with David.”
                  “He understands. You don’t need to be alone.”
                  “I appreciate it, but I’ll be fine.”
                  Marcia twist her lips and tilts her head to the side. Clearly, she doesn’t believe me.
                  “If I need anything I’ll call you immediately.”
                  She nods knowing she won’t win this battle. We hug before departing to our separate destinations. Truthfully, I’m not looking forward to going home. Hopefully if Liam’s there he won’t say anything to me. My wish is soon granted when I walk in and the apartment is empty. Class has physically

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