The Icarus Prediction: Betting it all has its price

Free The Icarus Prediction: Betting it all has its price by RD Gupta

Book: The Icarus Prediction: Betting it all has its price by RD Gupta Read Free Book Online
Authors: RD Gupta
    “I might add,” the director continued, “that Sarah is the only dual Blue Heart recipient who has lived to tell the tale. That is, she would tell the tale if it wasn’t classified.”
    “But seriously, Sarah, I am grateful this award was not made posthumously, for it certainly could have been.”
    “ God damn right! ” chimed in the major. “I was there and saw it with my own eyes.”
    If the director was miffed at this departure from the script, he didn’t show it, and continued. “As you know the protocol, this is the first and only time you will wear this medal. It will be placed back in the case and returned to the archive vault. You will be allowed to view them one more time at the point of your retirement. Part of the price we pay for living in the shadows.
    “Now then, in celebration may your colleagues and friends join us in a toast to your achievement.” And he motioned to the buffet table in the rear that had been set up with hors d’oeuvres and a bucket of champagne.
    Toasts were made and chitchat was exchanged until finally the major and Sarah found themselves one-on-one. Redigo pointed at the medal and said, “I’ve got one of those, except mine came in purple.”
    “I bet there’s a story there.”
    Redigo chuckled and said, “You know the difference between a war story and a fairy tale?”
    She shook her head.
    “A fairy tale starts off with, ‘Once upon a time.’ A war story starts off with, ‘Now, this is no shit.’”
    She almost bent double with laughter, but after catching her breath asked, “So where do you go from here?”
    “Probably Fort Bragg for a spell. Move a few paperclips around, watch Monday night football, and try and put on a few pounds. How about you? Or is that classified?”
    She shrugged. “You get four weeks leave when you get one of these,” she tapped the medal. “I haven’t been home for a long time. Probably spend some time with family, I guess.”
    “Do Mom and Dad have a clue what their little girl does for a living?”
    “The official line is I work for the State Department, but I think my dad is a smart guy.”
    The major nodded, then said, “Well, Sarah, I have to be going, but although this episode remains tightly classified, word still gets around. And seeing as this is your second time around the park on this Blue Heart thing, maybe it’s time you thought about joining one of those think tanks or some kinda gig like that. There are only so many bullets you can dodge.”
    She stared at her champagne. “There’s still a lot of unfinished business.”
    “I figured you’d say something stubborn like that. I must admit you’re the most attractive mule I’ve ever seen. Adios, compadre. Vaya con Dios .”
    And he departed, leaving her to wonder if he might be right.
    Jarrod entered the trading room and robotically went through the motions with his staff. For some reason, they suddenly seemed so young to him.
    Then he made his way back to his office and motioned for Gwen and Sergei to join him. The secretary closed the door and took a seat across from her boss, saying, “You look like hell.”
    A hint of a smile. “And top of the morning to you, too. I confess, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
    “I think no one did,” replied Sergei.
    Jarrod nodded to Gwen. “Ladies first. You find out anything?”
    Gwen pursed her lips. “I cornered Rosita in the break room. Again, she was white as a sheet. I asked her if there was something happening with her son. She would only shake her head. Then I asked if there was a problem with William. She wouldn’t look at me and said, ‘I have to go.’ I think she was about to break into tears. Then I heard a little grumbling.”
    “Grumbling?” asked Jarrod. “Please elaborate.”
    “Well, although there is nothing in granite, partner profit distributions typically come the week after the end of the quarter, which would have been last week.”

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