Die Dead Enough

Free Die Dead Enough by William Kenney

Book: Die Dead Enough by William Kenney Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Kenney
replied. "It was an accident."
    "He was gonna bring 'em down on us..." said Bobo, rubbing his head, staring at the old man on the floor. "I was just trying to keep him quiet. I- I didn't mean to kill the man. I swear."
    "I know. You don't have to convince me, Bo. I was right here," said Klaus.
    "Don't tell nobody else. Please," Bobo asked.
    "No one's gonna-"
    "Please!" Bobo asked again, putting his hand on Klaus shoulder.
    "All right. I won't say shit."
    Bobo nodded thankfully and they moved down the hall, heading for the other side of the building, hoping that the opposite stairwell was clear.
    "Shit. He's not answering me," Conor said as he and his brother proceeded down the hallway.
    Aiden rubbed his fingers against his lips in thought.
    "Then we gotta worry about ourselves. I hate to say it, but he might be dead. If so, we'll never find him, not even a body," he said. "Let's just get the fuck out of this building, brother."
    Conor hated to admit it, but the logic was sound.
    Sorry, Klaus. Hope you're okay, buddy.
    He gripped the hammer tightly in his hand and stepped up to the door that led to the stairwell. Peeking through the window, he could see nothing but dried blood on the walls and steps.
    With just the two of us, it should be simple to get to the main floor.
    He pushed the door open, quietly sliding inside with Aiden behind him.
    No sound.
    They leaned over the railing, staring down. On the landing below, they could see a purse. By the pattern, they recognized it as belonging to one of the old ladies. The contents were thrown out and a skeletal arm rested nearby.
    They looked at each other with frowns and began the trip down, the slick stairs creating a sucking sound as they took each one. Once they reached the fifth floor landing, the stopped and studied the gnawed bones that lay scattered about, tiny torn swatches of clothing still attached in places.
    The remains were so annihilated, it was not easily evident as to how many victims there were. They saw four skulls and this gave them hope that some had survived the attack. It was also possible, however, that the zombies had simply consumed them or smashed them into unrecognizable bits.
    They continued on, moving down to the fourth floor, getting closer to a means of escape. A loud knocking sound stopped them as they passed the door, both brothers standing motionless as something moved within the hallway on the other side. Then something struck the door from the inside, with enough force to leave a permanent dent in the metal.
    The brothers ran, taking the steps quickly as the sound of zombies assaulting the door above grew louder and louder. When they reached the third floor, the sound of another group of the dead came up from below. They charge recklessly through the door and into the hallway, thankful that it was unoccupied. Here every door was demolished, the frames splintered, massive holes in every wall.
    Conor's eyes darted about in a frenzy, searching for somewhere to hide, the sounds of the monsters building at every side. Aiden hung at his shoulder, staring behind them at the door to the stairwell.
    "Conor..." he said, turning his brother's head.
    The horde was now just on the other side, growls and groans giving away their presence.
    "Run," Conor said and they both took off in a sprint as the door crumpled behind them, a flood of zombies pouring through, climbing over one another to reach them. The noise brought more of the creatures, a group of them rounding a corner at the other end of the corridor.
    "Fuck!" Aiden called out as he stopped, looking from one end of the hall to another.
    Both groups now had their scent and charged forward, dragging useless limbs and dripping secretions as they came.
    "Conor!" Aiden said, pointing ahead of them. About twenty feet away, the elevator door stood wide open, blocked by a dozen fresh skeletons.
    "Go!" Conor shouted and they ran for it as the zombies closed in, so close that their odor filled the

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