Breakfast with Mia

Free Breakfast with Mia by Jordan Bell

Book: Breakfast with Mia by Jordan Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Bell
Breakfast With Mia
    By Jordan Bell
    Copyright © 2012 Jordan Bell
    All Rights Reserved.
    License Notes
    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This
ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to
share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for
each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was
not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you
for respecting the hard work of this author.
    Please note: This erotic story contains scenes of a very
graphic and adult nature which some may find offensive. This story is for sale
to adults only. This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons
or events are purely coincidental. Please engage in safe, consensual sexual
practices only. Remember, this is a work of imagination and fantasy. All sexual
activities described herein are between characters 18 years old or older and
are always consensual.
    Table of Contents
    Chapter One
    Chapter Two
    Chapter Three
    Chapter Four
    Chapter Five
    Chapter Six, Damian’s
    District Grounds was known for its pastries even though it
tried very hard to be a hip coffee shop. Free Trade signs and green energy
commandments plastered the walls, and true, the coffee was just what a girl
needed at oh-my-god-o’clock in the morning, but it was the pastries that
brought people from across the city to line up and beg to gain ten pounds.
    This morning’s special was a puff pastry with delicate,
golden filo layers splitting from its center to rise at an apex of buttery
pleasure. Warmth rose from its center, steam colored when the door jingled open
to let in a cool blast of morning air. Drizzled at the convex center was
homemade white icing like snow, dusted with dried strawberry dust and white
chocolate shavings. The fine strawberry particles rose on the steam and when I
inhaled I could taste them dissolve at the back of my mouth.
    This was going to be a delicious morning. The only x-factor
was the filling, which District Grounds head pastry girl had wisely left
unlabeled. A mystery wrapped in confectioner’s sugar. I turned the little white
plate 90 degrees, rested my chin in my hand, and tried to discover the secrets
of the universe hidden within the core of my breakfast pastry.
     The jingle bells trilled and another blast of morning city
air rushed into the coffee house and he entered, looking all CEO-like
and well groomed. He had a casual way about him, like it hadn’t occurred to him
he was wearing a $2000 suit and there wasn’t a Lincoln Town Car idling at the
curb for him. He was just an average Joe in a perfectly average coffee shop
with the best pastries in town.
    When Damian Vaughn took a seat at my table, I nudged the
plain black coffee with two creams and half a packet of fake sugar in front of
him, except I’d used a full packet of real sugar because my boss really needed
to live it up a little bit.
    “How much do I owe you?” He actually went for his
wallet like he might actually be carrying a buck twenty five in there. I
turned my plate again, eyeballing the edges of my breakfast dessert for
telltale signs of its melty middle.
    “I got it, boss. And your bear claw.” I nodded at the white
bag between us. He dove in like a man possessed. “For someone who could have
anything he wanted for breakfast, you’re sadly disappointing. How am I ever
going to sell your secrets to the tabloids if you don’t go a little crazy from
time-to-time? Tomorrow I’m sneaking a double chocolate chip fudge muffin in
there instead.”
    “You do and you’re fired.” His first bite was messy. The
hard frosting cracked and crumbled, sprinkled his burgundy satin tie. Pastry
flakes clung to his goatee.  Really, he was like a six foot child some days. “You
do realize I make ten times in a day as you do in a month? Twenty times. I can
afford my own bear claw and

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