Chasing Perfect

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Book: Chasing Perfect by Susan Mallery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Mallery
on Wednesday night. The Italian restaurant was within walking distance of the hotel, much like everything else in town. The outside was whitewashed, with a big patio seating area. Inside, the tables were covered with white tablecloths and the subdued lighting gave the intimate space an elegant air. A dozen different delicious smells competed for her attention, making her mouth water and her stomach growl. Her salad at lunch suddenly seemed like a long time ago.
    Before she could attack a passing waiter and grab a couple of slices of rosemary bread off the tray he carried, she spotted Robert sitting at a table near the opposite wall.
    â€œGo right in,” the hostess said with a smile. “Enjoy your dinner.”
    Robert rose as she approached.
    There were several other diners already in the restaurant. Maybe she was imagining things, but Charity had the sense she was being watched by those already seated.
    â€œAre they keeping tabs on me or you?” Robert asked quietly as he held out her chair.
    She laughed. “I noticed that, too.” She sat down. “I can’t decide if it’s because I’m the new girl or if it’s because you’re out on a date. What with you being a single man and therefore precious and rare.”
    He settled across from her. “You think the lack of men in town is funny.”
    â€œI don’t think it’s a great hardship for you. Poor Robert. Too many women want to be with you.”
    His brown eyes brightened with amusement. “Fame can be difficult. There’s a lot of responsibility.”
    She wished he hadn’t said the word fame. For some reason, it made her think of Josh, and she’d been determined he wouldn’t intrude on her evening out, even in spirit.
    â€œYou can handle it,” she said as she picked up her napkin and put it on her lap.
    Their server, an older woman with dark hair pulled up in a bun, brought them menus.
    â€œI thought we’d talk a bit before ordering,” Robert said. “Would you like a glass of wine?”
    â€œThank you, yes.” She grinned. “I’m walking tonight, so I can even have two.”
    â€œI have my moments.”
    They both ordered a glass of the house Chianti. A few minutes later the busboy brought over a basket of bread and a saucer of olive oil for dipping.
    â€œThe bread is excellent,” Robert said, offering her the basket.
    â€œI was afraid of that,” Charity said. “I’ll wait and try it later.” Closer to when they would get their meal, so she wouldn’t have a chance to inhale every slice. “How was your weekend with your friends?”
    â€œGood. We went to a Giants game. They won. My friend Dan is getting married next month, so the trip was kind of a bachelor celebration.”
    â€œI’m impressed you went with baseball and not a strip club.”
    He chuckled. “We’re getting too old for that. Now if we were still in college…”
    â€œFront row seats?”
    â€œIn our dreams.”
    The server appeared with the wine. When she was gone, Robert picked up his glass. “To a great evening.”
    She raised her glass, as well.
    â€œDan and his girlfriend already have a kid,” Robert continued. “A little girl. She’s eighteen months old. It seems like a lot of people are doing that. Have a baby, then figuring out if they want to stay together. I guess I’m old-fashioned. I thought it was supposed to go the other way.”
    â€œI agree,” she said. “But pregnancy happens. I guess a generation ago, people got married when they found out. Now they aren’t in such a big hurry.”
    He leaned toward her. “It’s been a couple of weeks. How are you settling in? Enjoying small-town life?”
    â€œI love it. I’m meeting lots of people. I like that I can walk pretty much everywhere. You’re right. There aren’t

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