Deadly Dance
help identify Brianna’s killer.”
    “That was the plan. But even with that kind of sophisticated analysis, the guy was still a ghost. And then Madison, my old partner at the FBI, called me in to work on the task force.”
    “And you figured there was nothing more you could do at Phoenix so you left. It must have been hard to let go.”
    “Oh, I haven’t let it go. It’s always there with me. Waiting. Look, I’m sorry you had to listen to all of this.” He pulled free and pushed to his feet. “I didn’t mean to dump all my crap on you.”
    “Hey,” she said, coming to stand beside him, “that’s what friends are for.”
    She was inches away from him. So close he could feel the rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed. He reached out a hand to cup her face, his gaze moving across the curve of her cheek and the ripe swelling of her lips.
    She really was a beautiful woman. And the amazing thing about her was that she had absolutely no idea. Always hiding behind a pair of glasses and the wild streak of colors in her hair. A mixture of fearless and guarded, she’d intrigued him from the beginning, but it wasn’t until just now that he’d realized how very much he’d come to depend on her.
    She swallowed nervously, the skin on her throat rippling with the action. He wanted to kiss it. To follow the smooth skin to the valley between her breasts. To taste her nipples and feel them bud beneath his tongue. Just the thought made his body grow hard. Desire rose, hot and insistent, as he closed the distance between them, wanting nothing more than to feel her moving beneath him.
    Hannah tilted her head back, her eyes closing as he slanted his mouth over hers, his lips taking possession. His mind emptied, everything that had been bothering him gone in the wake of the heat of her tongue moving against his. All he wanted now was to bury himself inside her and forget—at least for a little while.
    He slid his hands to her hips, pulling her closer and then closer still. She moaned as his fingers began to explore, sliding under her shirt to caress her skin, moving in slow circles as he deepened the kiss, his tongue thrusting, each stroke mirroring his rising need.
    Then a harsh insistent buzzing cut through thepheromone-induced haze, breaking the spell, and they sprang apart. Hannah’s gasp for breath a reflection of his own disarray.
    “It’s my computer,” he said, his body still reacting to her nearness. “I was running a program analyzing light patterns and details from the tiny bit of the lake we can see in the video. Comparing it to the topography in the area in the hopes that we might narrow down the search.”
    She nodded, pushing her shirt back into place, color staining her cheeks.
    “Hannah, I—” he started, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand.
    “It’s okay. It was nothing. We just got lost in the moment. That’s all.” She turned away from him, walking over to the computer. “What we need to do now is concentrate on finding Sara.”
    He opened his mouth to argue, to tell her that kissing her had been about a lot more than nothing, but the truth was that he wasn’t sure what the hell it had meant. Maybe she was right and it was just a reaction.
    “So did the computer find something?” she asked, her attention planted firmly on the screen, but her breathing still reflected the fallout from their passion.
    “Looks like it,” he said, reaching over to hit a key, pulling his mind away from Hannah and the heat of their kiss.
    There’d be time to deal with the implications later. Right now, Hannah was right, he needed to concentrate on the matter at hand. The computer whirred to life, and a new screen opened displaying the search results.
    “According to this, we’ve got a probable match. An old farmhouse on the northwest edge of the lake.”
    “You said ‘probable.’ ” Hannah lifted her gaze to his. “What does that mean?”
    “It means that right now, it’s the only lead

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