Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3

Free Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3 by K E Osborn

Book: Stung by Stealth: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #3 by K E Osborn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K E Osborn
I look into her sky blue eyes and lick my lips. “It means I like you, I respect you. You’re different, and I like getting to know you.” Moving in closer to her, a magnet is pulling me, our mouths are inches apart.
    She smirks. “ And you think I’m gorgeous?” She licks her lips making my cock throb.
    I chuckle and nod. “Yeah, and I think you’re gorgeous. Stunning actually. I’m really finding it hard not to kiss you right now.”
    She draws her bottom lip in by her teeth and her chest rises and falls quickly. “The only person stopping you… is you.”
    Her eyes sparkle as she leans in slightly closer, my hand moves from her thigh up to the back of her head and I grab a fist full of hair. She whimpers in response and the sound is like heaven to my ears. My heart is pounding as my eyes instinctively move down to her supple pink lips, glistening with lip gloss, begging for me to kiss them. The pull is strong, so strong that I bring her forehead to mine and she breathes so frantically that her chest is causing a welcomed friction against mine.
    Feeling the warmth of her body against me is only making this harder. This is the closest we’ve ever been. Foreheads touching, lips millimetres apart, heavy breaths, all make for an intoxicating dizziness in my head. The pull is drawing me closer, I can almost taste her. Everything in me is wondering why I’ve held back for so long. Swallowing hard, I glance into her eyes, they’re looking right into me, like she can see deep inside my soul. I can see her, her real beauty. She’s an amazing woman and I can’t fight this pull anymore.
    “Fuck it!” Moving slightly forward, I slam my lips against hers. The instant our lips connect a spark radiates into my mouth and down through my body straight to my cock. She excites me, and as she moans grinding herself into me. So I open my mouth letting her tongue in to move with mine. She tastes as good as she smells. Like sweet cherries, I could taste her delicious flavor forever.
    Why the hell did I wait this long?
    My hand fists in her hair holding her to me as we kiss for the first time, but it feels like we’ve done it a million times before or, at least, we should have been. She’s an amazing kisser and I plan on doing this a lot more with her. My cock throbs and grows hard in my jeans, the seam pushing against my length uncomfortably. If kissing her is this good, imagine what going further would be like.
    Fuck this! Fuck waiting!
    My hand lets go of her hair and shifts to her back, the other moves under her knees and as I stand from the stool lifting her with me. She squeals slightly, still with her lips connected to mine. I’m not stopping kissing her for anything. She tightens her grip around my neck as I carry her down the hall toward my room, to a cheering exit from all in the clubroom. My brothers are heathens.
    Getting to my door, she moves her hand down, turning the knob. The door opens and I step inside, closing the door with my foot. The wood creaks and then thuds as the door hits the frame. My tongue against hers brings me to new heights as my cock strains against my pants needing the freedom to see how good she really feels. Hoofing it to the bed, I throw her down onto the mattress and waste no time climbing on top of her. Her adorable giggle echoes through my room as I slide on top of her body and lower my lips to hers again. She slides her fingers into my hair pulling me down to her further as I grind my hard cock into her pussy. Instinctively, her legs wrap around my waist, and I groan into her mouth at the undeniable amount of want I have for her.
    I need this. It’s been months since I was intimate with anyone, I’m sure my balls are a deep dark shade of blue. With that thought, they pull up and tighten as my cock twitches in my pants begging to be set free. Grinding into her again she moves her hands down in between us and starts to unbuckle my belt.
    A sudden pain ripples through my chest taking my

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