The Billionaire and The Pop Star

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Book: The Billionaire and The Pop Star by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
out and took my seat in the front row. I’d debated on whether
or not this was a good idea, watching her perform with him, but in the end
she’d pleaded with me to come. I guess it was best if I were here in the flesh
to see what the hell the performance was like than reading about it second hand
in some rag.
    The buzz was
that they were dynamite on the stage, that they had great chemistry and all
that other bullshit. I settled in for a long night. I felt a huge sense of
pride when she came out the first time and the crowd went wild. This was a much
larger crowd than the one from the night we met and the whole place was on
their feet.
    You would
never know that less than two hours ago I had her bent over. She didn’t look at
all nervous and in fact seemed to be glowing. It was halfway through, when I’d
finally felt the tension leave me and had relaxed and start to enjoy the show that he joined her on stage.
    The song was
one of those dual tone numbers, slow in parts and fast in others. I felt my
fist fold the first time he had to get real close to her as they faced each
other across the microphones.
    Then ensued a
sort of cat and mouse dance. He kept trying to put his arms around her waist or
on her hip. I wasn’t sure if that was part of the actual dance routine or just
him being an ass, but the first time she threw a panicked look my way I knew it
was a bit of both.
    The crowd
seemed to read something else into it, as it appeared that she was playing hard
to get, evading his roving hands and prancing away as she continued singing,
only to be followed by him time and again.
    Each time our
eyes met I kept my face neutral, I didn’t want to spoil her performance and
like I said if this was part of her job then so be it. But what I didn’t like
was the way he tried to manhandle her on the stage when it had nothing to do
with their routine.
    Don’t ask me
how I knew those times so well. I was reading her body language sure, but each
time it happened she’d send me a look and it would tip me off. I wasn’t mad at
her though, not really, but him I’d like to stomp into the fucking mud.

    I left my seat
and headed backstage just before the last number ended. I cold hear the roar of
the crowd as she bid them goodnight for the second time after giving them the
encore they’d asked for.
    I was in the
shadows sort of, behind this huge potted plant, when she came back followed by
the rest of the band, and the asshole. “ Hey I’m talking to you.” He reached
out to grab her arm and she pulled it out of his reach.
    “The show is
over Donnie we have nothing more to say to each other for the rest of the
    “That’s what
you think. Where did you get this?” he tried touching the mark I’d left on her
neck. She slapped her hand over it and backed up.
    “That’s none
of your business.”
    “It is my
business when my woman is sporting a hickey from some other dude.”
    “Your woman,
are you insane? We’ve been over for months now would you please get out of my way?” She tried going around him and by this
point I’d seen all I needed to. I started forward but before I could reach them
he’d reached out and grabbed her and was trying to kiss her. The amazing this
was that there were others heading backstage and no one seemed to witness the
almost assault that was taking place right in front of them. That could be
because their voices had been kept low throughout this whole exchange.
    As soon as his
hand fisted in her blouse I was on him. “Get the fuck off her asshole.” I flung
his hand away and got between the two of them. You could say I was pissed but
trying to contain it. I was no longer angry about the display on stage, I knew
that was all him and though the world might see a very well coordinated dance
routine, that’s all that it was. But this was something more, this was personal
and this I would not allow.
    “Who the fuck
are you, Shiane who’s this asshole? Is he new
security? Tell

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