The Billionaire and The Pop Star

Free The Billionaire and The Pop Star by Jordan Silver

Book: The Billionaire and The Pop Star by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
retraction and an apology. Will wonders never cease? Of course now we were down
to crunch time. He’d said that he was fine with the whole show deal but as the
time drew nearer I could see that tic in his jaw working overtime. All I could
do was hope for the best.” Shiane baby come in here.”


    Her show was
in a couple hours and she’d have to leave soon for prep. I’d made peace with
the fact that she was going to be sharing the stage with the asshole ex for
part of tonight’s show. Although I’d told her that I was fine, the truth is
that I’m not the kind of man who could ever be okay with such a thing, but the
contracts had been signed long before I came on the scene and it was her
career. I was going to make sure that this was the last time though. After this
series of engagements were over, there will never be another occasion when she
would be allowed even in the same room as the prick.
    She came into
room already dressed to leave. I didn’t say anything to her as I pulled her
into my arms and fed her my tongue. My hand went down to her pussy and she
opened her legs to give me easier access. I rubbed her through her clothes as
her breathing sped up and she smashed her tits into my naked chest.
    Wordlessly I
started to strip her clothes away as my cock grew and pre-cum started leaking
from my tip. I had her spread out on the bed with my head between her thighs as
I ate her pussy, making sure to sink my tongue as deep as I could as I fingered
her ass.
    Over the past
weeks I’ve been preparing her ass for my cock. She moaned and pushed her pussy
harder against my mouth. her juices ran down to the
crack of her ass lubricating her nicely.
    Standing from
between her legs where her pink pussy was on full display with her juices
glistening and calling to me, I helped her onto her hands and knees in the
middle of the bed.
    I teased her
pussy slit with my cock head until pushed her ass up higher and begged me to
fuck her. “Please Trace.” I slapped her ass once hard and she looked over her
shoulder at me. her eyes were already glazed over and
I knew she was already far-gone.
    “Please what?”
    “Fuck me, fuck
my pussy hard.” Yes, that’s something else I’d taught her, to be less inhibited
in bed. At first her shyness ruled her, but I soon had her saying and doing
anything she loved. I’d explained to her that since I was the only sexual
partner she’d ever have for the rest of her life, who better to know what
pleased her? And how will I know if she didn’t tell me?
    That had
opened up a whole new world to her, and I’d learned a lot about my princess.
She had a bit of the submissive in her, she liked for her man to take charge,
not just in the bedroom either. It was perfect since I’m a controlling bastard
and make no bones about it.
    I teased her
pussy some more before sinking my cock all the way home. She arched her back
and came like she always does as soon as I enter her. She says it’s because I
hit her cervix each time and it triggers her.
    I fucked into
her nice and slow, using my hand in her hair and the other on her hip to
control her movements. Looking down between us I enjoyed the sight of my cock
covered in her pussy cream as it went in and out of her. “Your pussy’s still so
tight baby, fuck .” She lowered her head to the mattress which sent her ass even higher into the air and had
my cock going in deeper and at a different angle.
    Getting to my
feet, I released her hair so I could hold both her hips and pull her back hard
on my cock as her pussy opened and closed around my cock. I could see where my
cock was bulging out around the lips of her pussy, the way they pulled out when
I came out and folded in when I fucked back in.
    I knew she
still couldn’t too much of a pounding in this position so it was slow going
until she juiced all over my cock. I didn’t want to cum in her pussy just yet
though I had other plans for tonight.
    Pulling out
after she’d

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