Playing With Power - Book 2: New Adult Office Romance
    “Who wants to go first?” Ali asked.
    “Wait, can the questions be just embarrassing or do they all have to be sexual?” Dane asked.
    “Whatever you want, we’re all just getting to know each other. But I think you know which is more fun.”
    The game started off slowly. Each pair of friends obviously knew each other so well the first round of beers was polished off in less than fifteen minutes. The group discovered that both Ali and Dane had lost their virginities listing to Metallica, albeit different songs. Landon apparently wet himself on a ferris wheel when he was a kid and Lauren was forced to admit she’d been in marching band. By their third beer, their tongues had been completely loosened and things started to really heat up.
    “Never have I ever...taken it up the butt,” Ali said.
    “That’s a lie!” Lauren shouted. “You’re a lying liar and you know it.”
    “Excuse me, but that’s my asshole we’re talking about and I’m positive that it’s been used for one thing and one thing only.”
    “I hate that I apparently know more about your asshole than you do, but you really don’t remember? Rick?”
    After a pause, Ali’s eyes went wide. She slapped the water and laughed. “Holy shit, Tiny Dick Rick! You’re right. I can’t believe you remembered that! God, right. So, I was with this guy and he was, let’s say, on the small side.”
    “The name Tiny Dick Rick kind of gives it away,” said Dane.
    “Right? Normally I don’t give a shit about that kind of thing but he was so terrible at everything else plus he wasn’t even that nice of a guy. One day I figured I’d lose my anal virginity to him cause, how bad could it be? Probably wouldn’t even feel it.”
    “And?” Landon asked.
    “And that’s how I discovered Ali doesn’t do anal,” she said matter-of-factly. Lauren couldn’t help but shake her head and laugh at how proud she was of that statement.
    “Okay, question’s void. I’ve got one,” Dane said with a twinkle in his eye. “Never have I ever slept with identical triplets at the same time—yet.”
    They looked at each other, grinning, until Landon closed his eyes and groaned. Ever so slowly, he raised his beer and took a sip.
    “No way!” Lauren exclaimed. “How?”
    “You really want to hear?” Everyone eagerly nodded.
    He sighed, as if he couldn’t believe he was actually going to tell them.“So it was years ago, just when I was first starting out. There was a big release party for a friend’s business and someone hired these three girls to perform. They did this incredible aerial show on ribbons that blew everyone away. After, they worked through the crowd taking photos in these insane poses. I guess they were contortionists too? I can’t remember. Anyway, I was irresponsibly drunk and thought it was a good idea to hit on one of the girls after we took a picture together. I honestly don’t remember much from that night but I will never forget this for as long as I live.
    “She looked right at me and like a line out of a porno said, ‘My sisters and I like to share. Is that okay?’ Is that okay. So, clearly, that was okay.”
    “Very impressive! But wait, did they like, do stuff to each other?” Ali asked grimacing.
    “No, definitely not. That was actually part of the problem, not that I’m into incest or anything. It was all about me and I was so out-of-my-mind drunk, it wasn’t even that much fun. I like a little give and take in the bedroom. Plus, I woke up the next morning and couldn’t remember any of their names. One night stand, one awkward moment, you get over it. One night stand with three pissed off women, would not recommend.”
    A lull in the conversation fell when they stopped laughing and it was then Lauren noticed Dane massaging Ali’s neck. Ali’s arm was stretched out, hand invisible under the water but clearing touching Dane somewhere. The sexual tension between the two of them had started to boil over. After a day of

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