Playing with Magic (Elemental Trilogy Book 2)

Free Playing with Magic (Elemental Trilogy Book 2) by Ellie Potts

Book: Playing with Magic (Elemental Trilogy Book 2) by Ellie Potts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Potts
laughing as he went to the door. He grabbed the doorknob and laughed harder. “Oh, boy. I love knowing something the element boys don’t. And I’m still telling the elders.” He ran off, an evil smile curling his lips.
    Autumn stood, looking out at the door. “Pyrus, what was he talking about?”
    She shook her head. “Now is not the time.”
    A loud scream broke the silence as it ended with a howl. “Autumn!” Stefan cried out from the other room.
    She turned, going to the room. Anatha sat next to him. She looked up at Autumn as she walked in. “He’s getting worse,” she said in a worried voice that matched the look in her eyes.
    Stefan’s hands and feet were tied to the old-fashioned bedposts. He pulled and twisted, but he wasn’t getting out of the bonds. “Let me out, please,” he said in his normal voice; his face looked peaceful.
    Autumn went over to the bed, sitting beside him. “I can’t do that.”
    His face screwed into a frown. “Hungry!” His voice said, dropping. “I’m so hungry!” He looked at her with crimson eyes. “Hungry!” He licked his lips.
    The doorbell sounded. “Hopefully it’s not that weird little bald guy again,” Anatha whispered. “He really creeped me out. He stared at me as if I was the only woman he had ever seen. He was stripping me down right here, while Stefan was howling and snapping his teeth.”
    Autumn grimaced. “That must have been awkward.”
    Pyrus came in, followed by a man dressed in black. He looked around the room and took in a deep breath then walked over to Stefan.  Autumn’s eyes grew wide as she noticed he wore a clerical collar. He turned to her, noticing her surprise.
    “Don’t look so surprised, my child,” he said.
    “I just didn’t think a priest would be here,” she said.
    He nodded. “Most have had that misconception. I am a person of religion just like everyone here. I have something to hide as everyone here does. I also believe in my one god, who is represented to you by your male god. Our beliefs are about the same, except I do not believe in a female goddess, although there is Mary. But that is a different story,” he said with a strong southern drawl.
    “Father Ian; my granddaughters, Autumn and Anatha,” Pyrus said. Stefan’s howl ended with a scream. “And this is Stefan.”
    He went over to the bed and shook his head. “Yes, yes, my dear, Pyrus. Let us get to work. Where is the binding spell?”
    Pyrus went to the door, calling for Mabon. He came in, pulling it out of his pocket. Father Ian took it from him and threw it in the fireplace. As soon as the paper was ash, the beast welled up in Stefan, taking him fully over. They watched Stefan’s spine bow with the pressure.
    “Stefan!” Autumn’s hand went to her mouth. She wanted to run to her friend, but she knew she couldn’t touch him now. His energy would suck her dry, and she didn’t have River and Rowan to help her. Something inside her turned, making her stomach knot up. The illness came back, but she would not run from the room. She had to be strong for her friend. Stefan being possessed by this demon was partially her fault.
    “It is the beast. He is angry and wishes to be out of the confines of that mushy body,” The certainty in Father Ian’s voice made him sound like he, himself, had been possessed. Mabon walked by Autumn, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You want to leave?” She shook her head. He shrugged, going to the door.
    “You know you don’t have to be here,” Pyrus said, shouting over the howls.
    “I would like to be here for Stefan.”
    “After this, when he is better, we will introduce him into the old ways,” Pyrus told her, but Autumn wasn’t really listening. She went over and put Frankincense in the oil burner on the dresser. She lit a charcoal and added nettle.
    Father Ian dripped holy water on Stefan. “I accost you, damned and most impure spirit, cause of malice! I adjure you in Christ’s name that, in Stefan’s

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