steamy affair,
promise me,
tara fox hall,
lost paradice,
new paradise
about that. When Theo was very
old, things would change between us. At the least, he would resent
Danial and Devlin for keeping their youth. Would he come to
resent me, as well?
“Sar?” Devlin said sternly. “What’s the
matter? You look ill.”
What was wrong with me? “I’m okay.” I
forced a smile. “Do you really want some cookies?”
“I’ll take some for Lash,” Devlin said
meaningfully. “If you don’t mind.”
I began putting some into a bag. “Of
Lash might be my lover, but he was not my
friend. Still, I gave business associates cookies, so giving him
some wouldn’t be too odd. We were coworkers of a sort, with me
still feeling like a guest at Hayden instead of its mistress. After
all the work I had done there, it didn’t feel like home to me. Now,
after what had happened today, I doubted it ever would.
Maybe that was best. Dev was going to get
bored with me in a few years or so, just like Theo had said. There
would come a time when my attention and love wouldn’t be enough,
even with him getting more on the side. When he told me it was
over, I wouldn’t be going to Hayden anymore. I would be missing him
enough; I didn’t need to miss friends, too.
“Love,” Devlin said, enfolding me in his
arms. “Please don’t look so sad. Tell me what’s wrong. Tell me what
I can do to help.”
I tucked the bag in his pocket. “I’m all over
the place,” I whispered, worried. “My mood shifts in seconds from
happiness to depression. I felt like this earlier today.”
He kissed me gently on the cheek, then turned
me to face him. “You’ve been through a shock. This is normal, Sar.
Just remember you are loved and safe. I’m here for you.”
I gazed at him. It was hard not to be
spellbound. He was so handsome with his golden hair, his molten
gold eyes, his features that were sculpted, but unquestionably
“I love you,” he said passionately, touching
my nose with his. “Yes, you.”
It was his charisma that really drew me to
him, the way he posed so casually with that gleam in his eyes
inches from my lips. His bearing said he was here for me, that he
was already thinking of the many ways he wanted to caress me. God, it was enough just to watch him like this and
“Mom, the cookies are burning!” Elle said
I jumped, startled. “Take them out.”
“Theo and Danial should be along shortly,”
Devlin purred. “They are showering.” He smiled slightly. “It was
Eww. I busied myself with the cookies,
removing them from the baking sheet Elle held..
Devlin crouched down and beckoned to Theoron,
who ran into his arms with glee again. “You, Little Prince, are
going out with Theo, Lash, and your sister to a movie tonight.” He
handed Theoron fifty dollars. “That’s for treats,” Devlin said
generously. “Make sure you get enough popcorn for everybody,
including Theo.”
“Yes!” Theoron yelled. “When does the movie
“In about an hour and a half,” Devlin said
happily, eyeing me and grinning. “Theo and Danial should be back
within the hour.”
“Why aren’t you going?” Elle asked, her eyes
“I and your father have business with your
mom tonight,” Devlin answered.
Elle glared at him. My cell phone rang
It was Terian. “Sar, can you come over to the
lab? I need to talk to you.”
“Now?” I said, trying not to be abrupt. “I’m
kind of in the middle of —”
“Now!” Terian said forcefully.
Sigh. “I’m coming now,” I said.
Hanging up, I faced Devlin, Elle and Theoron. “I need to go talk to
Terian. I’ll be right back. Call his lab if you need me.”
“Okay,” Elle said, pleased that I was leaving
and Devlin wasn’t going.
He was not pleased. “I’ll walk you over.”
“No, I’ll be right back. Please, stay here
and watch the kids.”
Devlin gave me a smoky glance, then
I arrived immediately in Terian’s lab. He was
waiting for me, his suitcases