Three Dirty Secrets (Blindfold Club #4)

Free Three Dirty Secrets (Blindfold Club #4) by Nikki Sloane

Book: Three Dirty Secrets (Blindfold Club #4) by Nikki Sloane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Sloane
fucking hand. It just remained, barely moving and teasing me until I was going to lose my goddamn mind. I flexed my hips, sliding on his fingers, and his perfect mouth bowed into an evil smile.
    “Move,” I ordered through my teeth.
    He leaned in until his lips were pressed to where my pulse raced on the side of my neck, his warm breath tickling me. “You move.”
    Then he drew back and his gaze dropped down to his hand that disappeared inside my pants, as if waiting. I groaned and the sound was a mixture of frustration and excitement. With my arms restrained above my head, it was as if I wasn’t in control, but at the same time, I could move on him any way I wanted.
    So I squirmed on his hand. I ground my pussy against his steady fingers. It felt so fucking dirty and hot. My heart thundered in my chest and blood roared in my ears so loudly I could barely hear the rock music that streamed from his radio. If it wasn’t playing, would the only sound in the room be my uneven, hurried breathing?
    “I want your fingers inside me.” Thankfully, I kept the whine from my voice.
    “Then get on them.”
    Oh, the fucker wasn’t playing fair. When I shifted forward, his fingers went with me, staying on my clit like it was their fucking home. Once again I hiked my leg around his back, but this time I practically climbed him to get up on his fingers. His hold on my wrists tightened when I was successful and two of his fingers began to intrude.
    “Oh,” I whimpered. “Fuck.”
    He positioned his fingers directly in front of his massive bulge in his jeans, and when I began to ride them, it was like we were fucking with our clothes on. Another tease I both loved and hated.
    “Do you know how hot this is?” he asked, his gaze mesmerized by my undulating hips. “Watching you fuck my hand?”
    I couldn’t focus on that, only on the lust ripping me to shreds. Warmth and tingling grew from where his fingers were, but at this angle, I couldn’t take them as deep as I needed. I pushed against his hold, but he held my wrists. His bicep flexed to keep me in place. When my pace increased, Silas’s control on himself seemed to disintegrate, because he moved to match my tempo. The fingers pushed much further, harder, and deeper.
    My head flung back and banged loudly against the wall as I cried out, “Yes.”
    I clenched my fists. Pins and needles danced over my arms as the blood began to drain from them, but I allowed it. I was so close to satisfaction, it didn’t matter.
    “You’re gonna come on this hand,” he ordered. “Then I’m going to lick my fingers and taste it.”
    I convulsed and bucked in pleasure at his dirty mouth. Christ, when had I ever had someone talk like this to me?
    “And then you’re going to put them in my mouth.”
    His fingers drove hard, thrusting up into a spot so deep my knees shook. “Yeah? You want these fingers in your mouth?”
    “I’d rather have your Magnum forty-four.”
    He blinked. “My what?”
    “Magnum . . .” I tried not to pant it. “Forty-four. Your cock’s too big to refer to as a small pistol.”
    “Shit, you sound like my sister.”
    What the fuck? I ceased moving and my muscles locked up.
    Silas’s expression turned to horror. “Whoa. That came out all kinds of wrong. I meant you sound like a cop.”

    His fingers were still inside me, but he too had stopped moving. I struggled to recover. “Your sister’s a cop?”
    “Yeah. Well, kind of. She’s a U.S. Marshal.”
    He’d introduced himself earlier as Silas Getty. I blinked as I evaluated what this meant. I didn’t work with the U.S. Marshals much. I’d helped them with a case in July, but it’d been indirectly. I’d never spoken with her, but I always paid attention when another woman advanced. Even in this day and age, the authoritarian branches of government were still a boys’ club. So it had been big news when Caroline Getty had been promoted to Chief Deputy. I’d heard she was tough as

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