When Men Betray

Free When Men Betray by Webb Hubbell

Book: When Men Betray by Webb Hubbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Webb Hubbell
o’clock tomorrow morning. Please don’t be late.”
    Between last night’s threat, Ron’s note, and the chill from Lucy’s assistant, the welcome mat had certainly been rolled out for me in Little Rock.


    T HERE WAS A knock at the door, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Brenda followed closely by two very large guys.
    â€œJack, this is Bruce Morgan, our head of security, and Clovis Jones, who I understand has been retained by Ms. Baxter. I thought I should sit in, if you don’t mind.”
    Maggie gave me an apologetic look—she’d obviously hired Jones without consulting me. I kept quiet, and Bruce Morgan took the lead.
    â€œMr. Patterson, the hotel needs to take some unusual precautions for your safety, and I’d like your cooperation.”
    â€œUnusual precautions?” I asked, with possibly more skepticism than I intended.
    â€œI’m afraid your presence is creating a number of security problems. If it were up to me, I’d suggest you change hotels, but Ms. Warner has made it very clear that’s not an option.”
    I noticed his glance toward Brenda, who was nodding firmly.
    â€œThe press is a nuisance. We can limit their access, but we can’t keep them from camping outside. Frankly, it’s not the press I’m worried about. They’ll turn their attention to the Westin as soon as the vice president and other dignitaries arrive. I’m worried because the hotel is receiving threats.”
    â€œWhat kind of threats?” Beth asked.
    Morgan looked at Beth and then at me.
    â€œIt’s okay,” I said. “This affects Beth too.”
    â€œThe hotel has received two bomb threats. We’re working with Little Rock Police and the ATF, and, thank heaven, we haven’t had any bombs yet. But we have received a number of worrisome threats against both you and your daughter. We need to take precautions to be sure both you and our other guests are safe.”
    I knew about the one threat, but multiple threats? Flushing with anger, I sputtered, “Threats to Beth? If anything … Who…?”
    Clovis Jones, who looked closer to seven feet tall than six and packed at least 260 pounds of muscle, interrupted in a surprisingly soft voice, “Calm down, Mr. Patterson. That’s why I’m here. Nothing will happen to either of you. But we need to make a plan, and that involves me setting the rules and you two following them.”
    â€œWhat do you have in mind? Do I need a babysitter?” Beth’s voice was cool and a little cocky. I sighed. G
reat time for an attitude
    Jones chose to ignore her, asking about our schedule for the next few days and quizzing Bruce about the hotel’s plans to beef up security. He insisted that either he or one of his people drive at all times, and that neither Beth nor I leave our room without alerting his people.
    Thinking of the disturbing note I’d hidden in the desk drawer, I asked if it might be better for Beth to return to Davidson. I got a glare from Beth, and Jones shook his head with certainty.
    â€œFor now, she’s better off here.” He turned to Beth. “So far, only your dad has been in the papers, but there are pictures of you online. Until things die down, someone might try to track you down at school. You don’t need that.”
    I looked at Beth. She didn’t look quite so sure of herself now.
    Offering my hand to our new bodyguard, I said, “Thank you, Mr. Jones. And please, call me Jack.”
    â€œYou’re welcome. The name’s Clovis.”
    Clovis and Bruce Morgan gave us all kinds of cell phone and pager numbers before they left to work out the details of our security. Brenda stood to leave, and as we shook hands, she put her other hand on my arm and said softly, “Things will get better, Jack.” I looked across the room and saw Beth and Maggie watching us.
    After everyone left, I sank into the chair in the corner

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